Need more sales? better get more website traffic, but how?

Selling Online

Need more sales? better get more website traffic, but how?

There are so many websites that regardless of the quality of content, they still struggle to get visitors through organic search results. So does the answer lie in paid advertising? Maybe, but that’s not the only option available to business owners. As we’ve seen, content, search engine optimisation (SEO) and social media marketing are key components that dictate the success of a website.

So you’ve already created your killer content and integrated the principles of SEO to make sure that your website can be found. Your most crucial task now is to drive visitors to your website through the various social media platforms. There is no perfect formula, but once you’ve figured out what works well for you, you will reap exciting benefits.

Kick-start projects

Social media can help businesses spread the word about new products and services without the need to spend large budgets on fairs and expos. One of the biggest benefits of utilising social media marketing for your brand is because of the “shareability” factor. If you have a new concept, which people will inevitably benefit from, it is likely to gain momentum on social networks and be shared again and again. This is all free marketing for your brand and something which will also boost your search engine ranking in return.

Network with leaders and influencers

Social media is not just about sharing information relating to your business’s products and services. It’s also about staying abreast of industry news, trends and innovations. You can even use social media to check out what your competition are doing with their updates and feeds.

By using social media, you are given unlimited opportunities to connect with thought leaders who possess massive influence over diverse groups of people. They may not know you (yet) and they may not share your offers with their followers, but their insights will inevitably prove useful to your business and its audience, and who knows – if they see and like what you post, they may even share it!

Increase your likeability and improve sales

This is perhaps the most perceived and understood value of using social media for marketing. Making your business equally as interesting as your competition requires a set strategy and list of objectives. Don’t feel disheartened if your first attempts don’t bring the hordes of people you were hoping for. Simply try again and explore another avenue.

Successfully increasing your likeability and reputation within your industry depends on how consistent you are and how eager you are to respond to the needs of your demographics. Focus on relationships, fun and providing value and watch your likeability grow.

Drive traffic and motivate referrals

Updates that contain links to your business’s website will, if correctly promoted, drive traffic back to your pages. Thousands, even millions of people, can see a simple tweet that gains momentum. If all of those people followed the link in your update, that would be a significant amount of traffic. Of course, not all of your visitors are going to buy your product or service, but even if a small percentage do it will be worth the time spent constructing the post, right? When you use social media, you are leveraging people to do the marketing and advertising for you - there’s no other strategy more cost effective and convenient than that.

Key Takeaways

  • Utilise social media to inform your followers about new projects, products and services
  • Gain insights from industry experts
  • See what your competition are doing in social circles
  • Improve your brand’s reputation
  • Drive traffic and increase sales through referrals from your followers

Image Source: "going out of business" by timetrax23

Francine Bishop

I am a trainer and the author of Social Media Evolution. I teach business owners to use social media, their website and online profile to create maximum exposure, attract more customers and generate sales. No jargon here! Just plain and simple english giving clear and actionable instructions.

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