Pinterest releases new business accounts!

Social Media Marketing

Do you have a Pinterest account for your business? (If you do not, you should consider it as it is a great forum to sell your wares and show what is on offer). If so, you now have the opportunity to change your original personal account to a business account! Basically as a virtual storefront for your business, the key features we have listed below will help engage visitors and analyse data for increasing your traffic! 

Pinterest releases new business accounts!

SavvySME Official

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SavvySME is Australia’s B2B community marketplace designed for small and medium businesses. SavvySME helps entrepreneurs and small business owners do their jobs better, faster and with more satisfaction by drawing on a support network of trusted advisors and influencers while learning best practices from industry experts and each other. It combines the collaborative aspects of business networking with a marketplace in an online community setting exclusively for Australian business owners.

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