Promoting your new website video

Video Production

So you have got a fantastic video that promotes your brand, project, services or products. How do you maximise the benefits of your investment? Here my 10 top tips for promoting your video.

1) Get it up onto your website asap and not just You Tube - It will attract more visitors and keep them longer on website. Consider using social media sites such as You Tube. There are some drawbacks with You Tube such as adverts that play over the vision but it will have a high visibility and availability.

2) Consider searches and other ways people can find you. Titles that inform and excite work better than standard descriptions such as 'Our Company Profile.'

3) "VSEO" - Search engines are looking for video content on websites. Relevant content will rate you higher in Video Search Engine Optimisation "VSEO". Make sure your 'Meta' descriptions for the video are accurate and contain relevant keywords.

4) Webmaster setups - Something for the webmaster is to set the videos up on a video site map and media XML file. This again makes it more visible for searches.

5) Get the static thumbnail picture right - A relevant and attractive picture will be more likely to be clicked.

6) Make sure you can be contacted - The video may not always be seen on your website. We always work through contact options contained in the video. Phone numbers are important but a recent client using a video that will be distributed worldwide needed only their web address.

7) Start a buzz - Twitter and Facebook are great ways to get a buzz about the video happening. Equally newsletters and even mailouts can help.

8) See what is working - Search for similar videos on the web and see how they work with their descriptions. Have a realistic expectation about the number of views. Unless it contains something unique it won't attract millions or even thousands of views.

9) Consider comments and 'likes' - Interaction may be appropriate to get visibility. Get someone to start the comments.

10) If it is your first video let it set the scene - Wet the appetite for more and an initial video shouldn't be more than 2-4 minutes.

Prospects want to see videos - the facts are clear that they will more likely to engage and buy. In a time poor world they work in a way that brochures cannot.

Stephen Pearson

Managing Director of AV Creative, one of Australia's leading corporate video producers. Our clients include The Westpac Group, Colonial First State, Toyota MHA and McDonald's. We excel at corporate video production. Whatever your need: *Promote your product or services to generate sales. *Effectively present your company and its capabilities. *Film meetings, work processes, presentations Cost effective, creative and engaging . Over 25 years of experience.

Comments (2)
Eric Phuah

Eric Phuah, Director at Hystericalz Pty Ltd

Thanks for the tips Stephen. Videos are one of the hardest media to promote and to attract viewers, especially a business related video, so these are definitely useful!

John Belchamber

John Belchamber, Owner & Senior Consultant at Invoke Results

Thanks Stephen, great tips. Do you find that the hardest part of video marketing is actually taking the first step into it?

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