UnUncool on the cutting edge of cool by Stefan Gehrig



Tell us about your business?

Our business is called UnUncool.  We scour the globe for the most amazing, innovative and unobtainable products. When we find them, we bring it them to Australia for all of us here to experience. We are located at www.ununcool.com.au

Why did you start up your business?

We were really excited by products they we saw on overseas trips, but gobsmacked we were missing out in Australia.

What are the major hurdles you experienced when starting your business?

Where to start? No really, there have been a huge number of hurdles, but if you go in with the end goal in mind of developing a fantastic, innovative business that you are passionate about, the hurdles are rather easy to navigate.

What tips can you give other SavvySME members that are thinking or in the process of starting their own business?

Be realistic about how much time you can dedicate to your new venture.  And realize that a start-up generally takes twice as long as you expect to launch and costs at least three times as much as you budget!

What made you decide to take the jump and focus on your business?

We realized that there was no point going in half-baked.  If we wanted to get our start-up off the ground, it was going to require our full attention.  So we made the jump from full-time paid work into the start-up sphere.

How did your family and friends react?

They were fantastic.  They knew we were really passionate about starting UnUncool and wanted to support us as much as possible.

How has your life changed?

It’s been really hard to switch off at home since launching UnUncool.  Especially in the early phase, every waking minute has been thinking about how to maximize exposure, what new products to source and how to build the UnUncool brand. I recommend setting limits on working time and try really hard to stick to them.  Otherwise you’ll find the start-up becoming all-consuming.

What is the vision for your business going forward?

Our grand vision is that UnUncool will become the go-to place for finding amazing products that break new ground in Australia.

What tips can you give other SavvySME about motivating yourself to push through the challenges that rise up while building your start-up?

Have a business partner or someone that you work well with, and can bounce ideas off. When the hurdles and challenges pop up (which they definitely will), you need someone there with positive energy that you can feed off and can motivate you, and vice-versa. 

Stefan Gehrig

Director at UnUnCool

I had been working in Science for the past 7 years. I completed a Ph.D in Muscle Disease at The University of Melbourne and working in Medical Research after that. I have now made a complete change and am working on a new business start-up called UnUncool. We are really excited about UnUncool. We scour the globe for the most amazing, innovative and unobtainable products. When we find them, we bring it them to Australia for all of us here to experience. We are located at www.ununcool.com.au

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