7 Content & Social Media Marketing Tools You Need to Try Out

Social Media Marketing
  • It’s pretty easy to put a blog together. What’s more difficult is to make people want to read and share it. 
  • Content marketing and social media marketing go hand in hand. Thankfully, there is a wide range of tools to help you create great, share-worthy content.
  • Read on to find out the 7 must-have tools for all content creators, social media marketers and small business owners.

As a blogger or content marketer, one of your key priorities is to have the highest social media reach possible. But, with so many bloggers attempting to achieve the same, it takes effort and help from sophisticated tools to grab an audience’s attention.

Posting on social media platforms is a must for brand visibility. In fact, research shows that 41.67% of people measure the effectiveness and influence of a blog based on its presence on social media. 

What are the best content marketing tools?

Here is a list of social media marketing tools that will help you promote your content among social media audiences and followers:

  1. Content Idea Generator
  2. DrumUp
  3. BuzzSumo
  4. Canva
  5. Social Clout
  6. Leadpages
  7. Bitly

1. Content Idea Generator 

Finding the right topic is at the top of any blogger’s priorities. While some days you’re overflowing with brilliant ideas, other days you’re pretty dry. Content Idea Generator is a social media marketing tool that is a godsend for bloggers who have a difficult time selecting a topic.

The tool throws up numerous suggestions, some serious and some hilarious, based on the keywords you provide. This is the perfect tool for those days with major mental blocks. 

The right title can mean the difference between getting noticed and getting ignored on social media. As a blogger, you probably spend a lot of your time on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.

Unfortunately, the time you invest in posting on social media will never be enough to reach out to global audiences. This is where the need for a social media management tool comes into the picture.

2. DrumUp

While there are many such tools available in the market, it’s especially difficult to find a tool that offers a comprehensive list of features and is also easy to use. In comes DrumUp, the social media management tool we’ve all been waiting for. 

DrumUp allows bloggers to schedule and promote their blog posts on social media with ease. If you are hard-pressed for time and want to manage your social media marketing anyway, you can do so using DrumUp’s content libraries, in which you can store blog related social media posts.

Once filled, content libraries can be set to automatically publish posts on social media at a recurring frequency chosen by you. 

Image editing, content curating and scheduling, performance metrics management and audience engagement are other features of the tool useful for bloggers. 

3. BuzzSumo

Content idea generation tools are aplenty and BuzzSumo is another tool which falls in this category. This tool is of great help to serious bloggers, especially those who want to generate content that is relevant and current to their markets. 

While you may not have a dearth of topics, you may be unsure whether your chosen topics are ideal for your audience or not. BuzzSumo is a blog post analysis tool which generates unique topics based on your specific niche. The tool uses social media marketing metrics to analyse the trending topics and develops new and unique topics each time.

4. Canva

Your audience will take only 50 milliseconds to form an impression about your blog. This means you have only 50 milliseconds to attract and retain their attention and create a follower out of a casual visitor. Nothing helps you achieve this goal better than visuals. 

Images, videos, GIFs and memes are some of the best ways to attract attention. Using images in your blog posts will increase your follower base and help you get noticed among non-follower groups too. 
Canva is a graphic design tool that helps users create images for blog post covers and social media posts. With thousands of images and templates to choose from, you can have powerful and attractive photos and infographics within minutes.

5. Social Clout

Writing or curating content is one aspect of blogging; the other is blog performance analysis. Once you post your blog on social media, it’s time to analyse its impact on the audience.

While various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter offer analysis tools of their own, it’s important to have a special tool dedicated to analysing your blog’s social performance.
In comes Social Clout, a social media ROI optimiser, which helps bloggers identify the various touch points and areas of contact with audiences. The tool helps bloggers understand what impact the post has on audiences by measuring the responses generated towards the blog post.

The tool will also help you identify the areas which generate the highest and the least revenues, thereby allowing you to take informed decisions about marketing your blog.

6. Leadpages

Diverting traffic to your blog can be a challenging task. But, with Leadpages it becomes extremely easy. A lead generation plugin, Leadpages will help you gain the visibility and site visits you want. Using this plugin bloggers can create interactive and engaging landing pages, contact pages and subscription pages. You can even link your social media posts to your blog’s landing page with this tool. 

7. Bitly

Certain social media platforms have specific character limits, for example Twitter. Using long links creates problems for bloggers.  Bitly is a link shortener and tracking tool that automatically shortens links to fit the character limit of specific platforms. Now you can ensure that you post engaging and compelling content, while staying within the character limit.  

It’s been observed that 80% of blog visitors each day are new audiences. Building a rapport with them is especially essential. Using the above social media marketing tools, you will be able to attract new visitors and convert casual visitors into loyal followers with ease. 

Disha Dinesh

Content Writer at Godot Media

Disha Dinesh is Content Writer at Godot Media, a leading content creation firm. Her interests include social media and content marketing, progress music and motorcycles.

Comments (1)
Luke Frost

Luke Frost, Director of New Products at SavvySME

Thanks for sharing the tools mentioned above. It is definitely a good read for businesses wanting to explore more in social media. Let us not forget that it is important for blggers to have a powerful content and interesting title to catch readers/visitors/clients' attention.

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