DIY App Development vs. Hiring An App Developer

DIY App Development vs. Hiring An App Developer

via Pixabay

In the world of app development, the world is filled to the brim with groups that are always looking to make more money while they keep things cost-effective. It’s easy to see why, too. With all the amazing stories of app ideas that have gone viral, people have become overnight millionaires as a result of a good app that hit the market. 

Part of getting the best possible results is figuring out how you want to develop the app. So far, there are two main ways to make your app turn into a real piece of software. They are doing it on your own and hiring an app developer. Both offer their own perks and pitfalls, which is why it’s so hard to figure out which route is right for you. 

  • Developing an app on your own can help cut costs significantly, while hiring an app developer is pricier. 
  • DIY app development may require the use of no-code app development platforms, which may impede quality. Meanwhile, those who are knowledgeable about app development might get a good discount for the work they put in.
  • Hiring an app developer may allow you to focus on marketing the app. It also can help you develop more complex apps without the limitations that DIY app making platforms may have. 

Learning about what you get from both options can help shed some light on the best move for you. This guide will be here to give you the good, the bad, and the weird of each. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of DIY App Development?

It’s good to weigh in on the perks and pitfalls of DIY app development before you make a decision. Let’s look at it, broken down into bite-sized options.

  • DIY development’s biggest perk is that you will be able to save money on the upfront cost of creating your app. That’s a huge perk for people who are on a shoestring budget. 
  • However, DIY development can be very constraining if you do not have knowledge on app creation. Most of us haven’t worked as an app development project manager or a coder. If you haven’t gotten experience, you will be stuck to apps. This may constrain your options. 
  • Choosing to do in-house app development can also mean that you will be able to have full control over your code. This could be legal grounds to consider your code proprietary knowledge in some cases. With certain professional developers, they may ask to retain rights to parts of the code. 

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Hiring Professional App Development Agencies?

While DIY can be a great choice for people who want to get an app out fast, there’s something to be said about professional app development teams. Here are the pros and cons of each here:

  • The biggest perk is that you will be able to get a professional-grade app that looks great. If you want to have something done right, you should hire a pro. That’s why hiring a good app development agncyis so popular these days. 
  • You may not have too much return on investment at first. App development is risky. If people don’t buy into it, your company will be stuck with a huge bill and no way to pay for it.
  • The biggest problem is that this can become prohibitively expensive. Professional app development is pricey, period. It can cost upwards of $250,000 to develop a highly complex app. Moreover, that’s just the upfront costs. You may need to pay more to get updates and patches.

Which Is More Cost-Effective, DIY Or Hiring A Developer?

While many people tend to assume DIY is the more cost-effective method, but this is not always the case. It all depends on the size and complexity of your project.

When Is It Cheaper To Develop Your Own App?

There are some nuances that you need to consider. The biggest one, of course, is your own skill at app development. If you want to build an app and have worked as a project manager before, nothing is stopping you from doing it yourself.

On the other hand, you may need a little help if you don’t. Thankfully, you don’t need to know code to do it anymore. If you have a simple app that can be made from one of the many codeless platforms out there, then you could absolutely get more bang for your buck. 

When Is It Cheaper To Hire A Developer For Your App?

In most cases, hiring an app development firm to help you out means that you will most likely pay a lof money upfront. This tends to lead people to believe that it’s the more expensive option every time. 

However, with most medium-to-high-complexity apps, DIY is not going to be cheaper. Over both the long term and short term, you’re going to end up paying more to fix glitches, update the app, and create add-ons.

Unless you are a masterful app developer yourself, hiring a developer will be the more cost-effective method for larger projects. Here’s why:

  • It may not actually be feasible otherwise. If you don’t know how to code, then you can’t really DIY an app that’s extremely complex. You will need help, and the sooner that you hire a developer, the sooner you can avoid problems with creating the code later.
  • Certain security issues may need professional assistance. For example, if you want to develop a banking app, you may need more security features than what you can do on your own. Even if you are able to copy and paste code in, you may need to have a second pair of eyes for vulnerability issues. 
  • Hiring a developer means you can have a dedicated team for upgrades and updates. Once the app is up and running, you will need to have someone to update your program. Most of the time, the original DIYer will be busy marketing the app. So, you will need someone to help you out. 

What Should You Know Before You Hire An App Developer?

App developers are not all equal in terms of quality. If you want to hire an app developer, it’s important to make sure that you read up on reviews of each developer and ensure that they are capable of handling an app project as large as yours on the long-term. 

Take your time finding the right developer for you. After all, you may need an app right this minute, but it’ll cost a lot more to fix mistakes than it would to have it done right the first time around. So, check out our app developers here!

Ossiana Tepfenhart

House Writer at Empire State Crew

Hello! I'm a writer by trade and one of the highest-rated freelancers available on multiple platforms. In the past, I've written as an in-house SEO writer for Creatd/Jerrick Media's I have also written for major publications like YourTango, TheGoodMen Project, UpgradedHome, PropertyNest, and NestApple. I'm a jack of all trades like that.

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