Mobile Apps vs. Web App Development

Mobile Apps vs. Web App Development


App development is hot, and not just because it is an emerging industry. It’s also because it also happens to be one of the most profitable ways to make your mark in the new age of the internet. In an ideal world, you would be able to unveil both a mobile app and a web version at the same time. 

However, this isn’t always doable. You may have to choose one or the other. If this is the case with your current mobile app development, then you may need to weigh the pros and cons of each. So, what should you be aware of? What’s the better option?

  • Mobile apps are easier to market to younger audiences, while web apps tend to be preferred by older people. 
  • Web apps will work with almost any web browser, while mobile apps will need both an Android and iOS option. 
  • Mobile apps can be made through an app using a standard format, while web apps do not have a standard software development kit. 
  • Generally speaking, web apps tend to be cheaper to make.

Before you make a decision on this development issue, it’s a good idea to know what you are going to be involved with. Thankfully, we have all the answers for you here…

What Are The Perks Of Developing A Mobile App?

Developing a mobile app has a lot of perks that make it a worthwhile endeavor. The perks below tend to be the ones people notice the most:

  • Price. It’s possible to create a smash hit app with a free-to-use mobile app. This means that the entry point is generally going to be lower than web app development. However, this all hinges on the type of app you need.
  • Profit. Most people are used to having in-app purchases. A typical user will spend around a dollar per app. So, you have a better chance at turning a profit fast. 
  • Marketing. People genuinely love the convenience of having an app to refer to. The app marketplace is booming and articles are constantly being published that help developers market their apps. (Hint: You can check out app development tips that lure users here!)
  • No Net Required. You can use apps without connectivity in most cases. 

What Are The Pitfalls Of Developing A Mobile App?

While apps are popular, they still have their problems. The truth is that mobile app development isn’t for everyone. Here’s why it might not be the right choice for you:

  • Price. Confused? Well, it’s a multifaceted issue. Most mobile apps that are professionally developed cost an arm and a leg. Moreover, adding updates and new features can also up the price tag long-term.
  • Multiple Developments. You need to have both an iOS and Android version if you want to be truly successful. While there are some apps that make conversion easier, the truth is that this often requires the app to be built up from a “bare bones” version.
  • Approval. Certain apps can be a nightmare to approve on the app market. 

What Are The Perks Of Developing A Web App?

Web apps may not have the crazy spotlight that mobile apps do, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have their own perks. The top perks mentioned include:

  • Standardized Views. A mobile app will look different from phone to phone, and from tablet to tablet. Web apps generally look the same on every web browser. If they don’t, then the fix can often be easier. 
  • Lower Cost. Though it doesn’t have a standard code, the truth is that most web apps are far less expensive than a mobile app. This is doubly true when you’re trying to hire a professional team. 
  • Fast Build Times. Mobile apps generally take longer to make than web apps do. There are always exceptions to the rule, but that’s the general trend. 
  • No Approval Necessary. As long as it can be posted to the net, you’re good to go.

What Are The Pitfalls Of Developing A Web App?

Much like how mobile apps have their problems, web apps also aren’t the perfect solution to every business quandary. The biggest issues include:

  • Accessibility. No internet? No dice. All web apps require the internet to run. 
  • Marketing Woes. Mobile apps are easy to discover thanks to app marketplaces and a general buzz about the latest apps. Web apps, on the other hand, can be hard to find without a serious marketing effort on the part of the web app development company. 
  • Slower Loads. Though this isn’t always the case, most web apps load slower primarily because they rely on the net. If you have slow internet speeds, your app will be slow too. In rural parts of Australia, this can be a serious issue. 

How Can You Tell Which App Is Right For You?

Honestly, it really depends on the type of app you want to make as well as your budget. When you take a look at the pros and cons of each, it’s usually easy to figure out where your time and money is best spent. 

Regardless of which route you want to take, it’s important to make sure that you get an app developer that will help turn your dreams into a reality. Check out our app development marketplace here!

Ossiana Tepfenhart

House Writer at Empire State Crew

Hello! I'm a writer by trade and one of the highest-rated freelancers available on multiple platforms. In the past, I've written as an in-house SEO writer for Creatd/Jerrick Media's I have also written for major publications like YourTango, TheGoodMen Project, UpgradedHome, PropertyNest, and NestApple. I'm a jack of all trades like that.

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