The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Source: Pexels

Let’s just face it---email newsletter marketing is one of the best ways to make sure that you create and nurture a bond with your client base. According to Constant Contact, email marketing will give you $42 back for every $1 you spend on it. That makes it the most effective form of advertising in the world. 

In order to get the best possible results from your email marketing campaign, you need to have a decent email newsletter software platform. That’s a field that is absolutely flooded, though! Did you ever wonder what the best email newsletter software platforms for new business owners are today? 

Based on multiple studies, the best email newsletter software platforms for new companies include:

  1. MailChimp
  2. ConstantContact
  3. Hubspot
  4. ActiveCampiagn
  5. Drip
  6. MailerLite
  7. Moosend

Investing in the right software is a must if you want to make sure to get the most out of your marketing buck. We’re going to make it easier to find it through our easy-to-navigate software review guide.

A quick note about our list

When I was working on this list, I realized that everyone is going to have their own two cents about what they will find to be the best. Some of us will be the type to go for ease of use. Others will want to get the cheapest. Some more want all the bells and whistles. 

Knowing that, I am not going to rank these platforms. They are going to be the best suggestions that I have in order to ensure that you get the best possible results for your small business. 

How much should you expect to pay for email marketing software?

Honestly, this is one of the things that can vary greatly depending on the size of your contact list, the platform you choose, as well as the advanced features that you want to have. It’s possible to get an email software kit for free, especially if you have a small email list size. 

However, most small to medium-sized businesses will eventually scale up. This means that you should set aside anywhere between $10 to $290 per month for email marketing. If you set aside more than $100 per month, then it’s safe to say that you will get just about everything that you could possibly want in your kit. 

What features should you look for in email newsletter software?

This can vary greatly depending on the stage of business you’re currently in. The more popular features to consider include:

  • 24/7 Customer Support. Email SNAFUs happen. You want to have the platform at your side. 
  • Email Analytics. Good email newsletter software platforms will be able to help you figure out which emails work best for your business.
  • A/B Testing. Does this email work better than the other? You can find out with A/B testing. 
  • Interactivity. You want to make sure that your emails have a little more interactivity to them. This is a good way to engage clients. 
  • Easy Integration. Most people don’t just have one software platform for marketing purposes. They’ll want to have more than one CRM. Having quick and easy integration is a good way to make life easier for you.
  • Email Template Creation. Most marketers want to have a quick way to make a template. Drag-and-drop template customization is so hot right now because of how easy it is to use. 

What are the best email newsletter platforms for new businesses?

Now that we’ve gone over the way I chose it, let’s talk about the best picks for people who want to get their email campaign on. 


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Where do we even get the idea that we could talk about email newsletters without talking about MailChimp? We don’t. MailChimp is one of the most popular email marketing platforms that you will find on the net. Almost every major company uses it and part of that reason is because the platform is free. 

Yep. Free for life as long as your email list is under 2,000 contacts. If you have more, then you can scale up for $10 per month. You get easy A/B testing, great layout control, as well as easy upscaling. 

 Why you’ll like it:

  • Low price
  • Easy upscaling
  • A/B testing 
  • Easy newsletter customization
  • Zapier integration
  • Interactivity enhancements


  • Can become pricey
  • No phone support

Constant Contact

The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

This is the other major “juggernaut” that comes into pay whenever people discuss email marketing software. Like MailChimp, most people tend to use Constant Contact whenever they have a business that they want to scale up. 

This marketing software is meant to be very user-friendly while keeping all the add-ons and features that people adore. This is a good choice for people who want heavy analytics and heavy list segmentation. New businesses love this email platform, too. 

Why you’ll like it:

  • Easy upscaling 
  • A/B  testing
  • Tons of templates 
  • Made for e-commerce
  • Good customer reviews
  • Website creation options, too!


  • Can be pretty pricey
  • May feel intimidating to some people


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Hubspot isn’t just an email marketing platform. It’s basically an all-in-one platform for CRM purposes. If you want to have a multifaceted marketing campaign that involves everything from social media to email marketing, then it’s a good choice for you. 

Unlike others on this list, Hubspot is a rather extreme example of CRM that’s meant to be an all-encompassing package. Because it’s so widespread, it also happens to be a popular pick with enterprise companies that don’t like switching between platforms too much. 

Why you’ll like it:

  • Work with more than just email
  • Excellent analytics
  • Online training communities
  • Lead tracking
  • Email health tracker
  • Interactivity enhancement


  • Gets pricey quick, can cost hundreds or more per year
  • Steep learning curve
  • Difficulty integrating other platforms


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Are you tired of doing all your own email marketing? Do you want to have some help with your work? ActiveCampaign is one of the better options for people who want to have some simple automation in their work. It’s one of the few email marketing tools that is made with automation in mind. 

Fans of this platform swear by it because it’s such a great time-saver. I’s a good way to make sure that you get a lot more done while you work your email magic. 

Why you’ll like it:

  • Easy automation
  • Affordable
  • Easy to migrate data
  • 300+ integrations and counting!


  • Hard learning curve
  • Fast price jumps


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

No, this isn’t just a term for people who have a lot of stylish gear, though that is drippy. Drip is one of the newer (ish?) email marketing tools on the net. This email platform is specifically made for e-commerce companies that want to maximize their profits. So, expect a lot of good analytics geared towards e-commerce.

This is the type of platform that makes it easy to segment your market, run analytics to determine your buying process, and more. This is all about streamlining your customer’s experience and making communication easier. 

Why you'll like it:

  • Easy to use
  • Excellent market segmentation
  • Simple drip campaigns 
  • Great client care


  • It gets pricey fast
  • Difficult template creation


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Where do we begin with MailerLite? A lot of people tend to see it as a lighter version of Constant Contact, but that’s not quite true. The truth is that this platform has a flavor all its own. There is a certain elegance to the platform’s look and feel that you have to appreciate. 

This site is mostly known for two major perks: its free-for-life offer as well as its streamlined “drag and drop” template creator. If you’re a visual person who wants to make sure that you have a pretty template in a pinch, then you’re going to be hooked on MailerLite.

Why you’ll like it:

  • Excellent email template selection
  • Intuitive design
  • Affordable
  • 24/7 customer support


  • Difficult integrations
  • Not many CRM functions
  • May have intrusive questions involve in setup


The 7 Best Email Newsletter Software For Small Business

Hailing from that corner of the internet where money is important on all fronts, Moosend is a simple and affordable solution for just about every company. Like many of the other platforms on this list, Moosend has a nice “drag and drop” template solution and an easy to navigate front end. 

This platform, though, pushes things a bit further than MailerLite. Along with offering awesome emails and analytics, Moosend lets you make state-of-the-art landing pages that will help you collect email addresses for your campaign.

Why you’ll like it:

  • Landing page tech for contact list expansion
  • A/B testing and analytics
  • “Drag and drop” template creation
  • Affordability is big here


  • Cannot send emails from Gmail or Hotmail
  • Few integrations

Should you hire a professional?

Honestly, keeping an email newsletter going is going to be a full-time job. This is especially true if you want to maximize your earning potential via online newsletters. If you want to save a lot of time and get good results, going with a marketing agency that works with email newsletters is a good way to do it.

The next steps

Now that you know what to expect from each platform, you have a better idea of how to choose your newsletter platform. This is what you need to know for the basic “winners.”

  • Best for Scaling Up: MailChimp
  • Best for Marketing Gurus: Constant Contact
  • Best for Techies: Hubspot
  • Best for Automation: Active Campaign
  • Best for Drip Mails: Drip
  • Best for Affordability: MailerLite
  • Best for Simplicity: Moosend


Ossiana Tepfenhart

House Writer at Empire State Crew

Hello! I'm a writer by trade and one of the highest-rated freelancers available on multiple platforms. In the past, I've written as an in-house SEO writer for Creatd/Jerrick Media's I have also written for major publications like YourTango, TheGoodMen Project, UpgradedHome, PropertyNest, and NestApple. I'm a jack of all trades like that.

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