Hiring Virtual Assistants vs Personal Assistants

Hiring Virtual Assistants vs Personal Assistants

Source: Pexels

The other day, I was puttering around my home wishing I could just get more done. It was a simple thought, but I didn’t know who I should hire and why. I was shocked to find out that there was a difference between a virtual assistant and a personal assistant. But, what is the difference, and which is right for you? You might be surprised to learn the truth. 

  • Virtual assistants can be hired from any corner of the world and often have a lower wage than personal assistants. 
  • Personal assistants can be used for both personal and professional reasons, while virtual assistants are almost always strictly professional. 
  • If you need physical labor (i.e. buying groceries or running errands), a personal assistant is a must. 

Both virtual assistants and personal assistants have their perks. Before you decide to hire one, you need to know what’s up. 

What is a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant is basically an online assistant that does all the “odds and ends” that most other professionals don’t do. In most cases, a virtual assistant acts like an online secretary. In some cases, they may also do some phone work or even help with sales---though that’s technically not supposed to be the case. 

Generally speaking, a virtual assistant (or VA) is going to stick to business stuff. Though their specific responsibilities can change from person to person, the one thing that never changes is the fact that they do all their work remotely. In most cases, a virtual assistant will be a freelancer. 

What are the benefits of a virtual assistant?

A virtual assistant has tons of benefits that make it worth considering.. Having a VA means you get these perks:

  • You have someone to do the stuff that a secretary would. Answering emails, data entry, filing, and other stuff is all doable through virtual assistants. 
  • You can reach out to your virtual assistant anywhere in the world. As long as you have connectivity, then you can get a hold of them. They’re all about remote working. 
  • They can also help fill in for other employees on their days off. If you get a VA who’s good at a little bit of everything, then you will be able to fill in positions until you get a more permanent employee. 
  • In many cases, they can do your marketing and sales for you. This is one of the leading reasons why you may want a virtual assistant for your business. They aren’t just secretaries. They can be marketing professionals, too. 

What are the disadvantages of a virtual assistant?

Hiring a virtual assistant is not always a good idea. It all depends on your needs. Here are some of the reasons why you may not want one on your team:

  • They are always remote. You can’t have a virtual assistant come into your business workplace if they’re in Mumbai. 
  • Vetting them can be a hassle. It’s true. You’re not going to have an easy time checking references here. 
  • You are not going to be their only client. Unless you’re paying them on salary, they will be juggling other companies, too. This can make them less reliable. 
  • Time zones can be an issue. True story. I was a VA for someone in Singapore for a while. This involved a lot of sleepless nights and a lot of moments where both of us woke up at random times of night from all the messages we’d get.
  • You probably won’t be able to get a virtual assistant willing to touch on personal matters. No, you cannot hire a VA to book your dinner dates in most cases.
  • It can actually be more expensive to hire a VA than it would be to hire a customer service or marketing assistant. If you want to hire someone to  perform sales for you, it’s important to remember that VA’s can be pricier than marketing assistants. Light marketing from a marketing assistant can cost $20 per hour. If you want a VA to do it, it could be as much as $45.

How much does a virtual assistant cost?

This all depends on the skill set you’re expecting from them. Most “general purpose” virtual assistants will charge between $15 to $30 per hour. If you want to have a virtual assistant who also does marketing or executive sales, it’s going to cost between $45 to $80 per hour. 

With that said, there is a serious difference in prices when you decide to hire abroad. If you choose to go for an international assistant, you might pay as little as $6 per hour.

What is a personal assistant?

Personal assistants are a bit unique. Much like virtual assistants, they are people hired to do the random stuff that most other professionals won’t do. For example, they might answer emails (like VA’s) or arrange a dinner booking for their boss and clients. 

However, they also might do things that are more along the lines of personal stuff as well. It’s not uncommon for personal assistants to do things like pick up their boss’s dry cleaning, call their boss’s babysitter, or even getting their boss’s dogs walked. 

While virtual assistants tend to be the people who act as cyber secretaries, personal assistants are there to make sure that business executives’ lives don’t fall apart at the seams. Makes sense?

What are the benefits of a personal assistant?

The benefits of a personal assistant are many. It’s one of the reasons why they’re so popular. These perks below make them a great investment:

  • You can bet that they’re a status symbol. Yes, it’s true. A lot of upper echelon types want a PA just to say they have one. It’s weird, but true. 
  • Personal assistants can give you in-person assistance. There’s a lot to be said about having someone who can stand right next to you, come to your workplace, and also drop your groceries at home. 
  • They are more flexible about what they are able to do. VAs tend to be more uncomfortable about doing things in a person’s home. PAs will be happy to pick up your dog from obedience school. 
  • You also get more free time. Personal assistants are there to clear up your schedule. This makes them incredibly useful for people who feel hassled and harried through life.
  • Loyalty, loyalty, loyalty. A personal assistant is a person who works directly with, for you. 

What are the disadvantages of having a personal assistant?

Personal assistants are not for everyone. If you are worried about the drawbacks, you’re right to consider it. Here are some reasons why people might rethink personal assistants:

  • You have to vet them way harder than a VA. Yes, you are going to have to vet both personal and virtual assistants. However, with personal assistants, the risk for loss can be WAY higher. I mean, they are going to be working in your home and interacting directly with your entourage. As a result, you really have to be cautious with who you hire.
  • Most personal assistants will not work if you won’t hire them full-time, as fully fledged employees. While you might find a part-timer once in a while, the truth is that you won’t have an easy time getting one under this arrangement. This can make them pricier than some can afford. 
  • You might find yourself feeling enmeshed with your personal assistant. It’s insane how quickly a personal assistant can become a cornerstone of your life. If you hire a personal assistant, it’s very likely that you will start seeing them as a part of your family. In some cases, you might end up having a hard time picking up the pieces if your assistant suddenly quits. 
  • Lawsuits are more common with personal assistants. There have been tons of stories of personal assistants getting sued because they let loose secrets regarding their celebrity bosses. 
  • If your personal assistant does something out of line, it can wreck your reputation. You have to remember that personal assistants are often right there with you when you’re at major meetings. This is part of the risk of having a PA. If your PA does something stupid (like gets too drunk at a party), it’ll look bad on you. 

How much does a personal assistant cost?

This can vary greatly, too. If you just need someone to help you run your home in the background, you might be able to pay between $14 to $20 for a part-time personal assistant. 

However, most business executives will need to have some business experience too. The average hourly wage for a personal assistant for business-personal purposes will be between $25 to $35 per hour. 

It’s worth noting that many personal assistants are salaried. If you want to put your PA on a salary, it’ll cost $40,000 per year on average. 

Should you hire a personal assistant or a virtual assistant?

Honestly, most business owners could benefit from both. However, we usually have to pick between one or another. However, there are some guidelines that you can use to figure out which one should be a priority for you:

  • If you need in-person assistance, you should get a PA. Virtual assistants are great if you are okay with never meeting them in person. 
  • People who want more marketing help, data entry, or phone work might find it easier to get a virtual assistant. This is usually the most cost-effective route. Besides, most personal assistants are not exactly well-versed in marketing unless they are “multi-purpose” people. 
  • If your workload is primarily work-oriented, then you may be better off with a virtual assistant. This is not always the case, but it’s a good rule of thumb to follow. Most of the work VAs are supposed to do focuses on the secretary-style stuff a workplace needs. 
  • If it’s your home life or day-to-day minutiae that are harming your ability to do your work, then a personal assistant is best. In cases of celebrities, it’s actually not unheard-of to spring for a live-in personal assistant. 
  • If you can’t hire someone full-time or are worried about hiring someone as a full employee, then a virtual assistant is your best bet. Sorry to say, but PAs tend to be more expensive overall. This is particularly true if you want them to sign an NDA. 

The next steps

Figuring out how to find the assistant for your needs is tough, but it’s always doable. Now that you know the difference between the two, you need to hire one. Here are your next steps. 

  1. Figure out whether you need a VA or PA. 
  2. Post a job for the assistant of your choice. 
  3. Vet and hire your assistant. 

Talking about finding the right VA or PA can be helpful if you’re still feeling lost. Check out SavvySME’s Virtual Assistants to learn more about them and connect with other business owners. 

Ossiana Tepfenhart

House Writer at Empire State Crew

Hello! I'm a writer by trade and one of the highest-rated freelancers available on multiple platforms. In the past, I've written as an in-house SEO writer for Creatd/Jerrick Media's Vocal.media. I have also written for major publications like YourTango, TheGoodMen Project, UpgradedHome, PropertyNest, and NestApple. I'm a jack of all trades like that.

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