6 Ways to Turn "Likes" into Facebook Leads

Lead Generation
  • Practically everyone is on Facebook, and many businesses make it their priority to maintain an active Facebook Business account.
  • Creating valuable content, doing landing pages and running Facebook ads are simple ways to convert likes into leads.
  • Read on to learn about 6 methods that will help you monetise your Facebook efforts fast and effectively and turn leads into sales.

With its stunning 2.07 billion active monthly users worldwide, Facebook has tremendous potential for helping any business grow.

Companies, big and small, set up their Facebook pages hoping to reach prospects all around the world, and soon many of them hit their first significant milestone – 1,000 or even 10,000 fans.

Although building a big Facebook following is quite a challenging task, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.

Before you give yourself a pat on the back for the job well done, you should be aware that all those likes are dead capital if they aren’t translated into paying customers.

How do I turn my Facebook likes into leads?

Fortunately, there are some pretty effective methods that will help you unlock the power of your Facebook audience and turn the like button into a moneymaking machine.

There are 6 ways to turn likes into sales:

  1. Know your Facebook audience
  2. Create an irresistible offer
  3. Generate valuable content
  4. Run contests and giveaways
  5. Use retargeting
  6. Don’t forget landing pages

1. Know your Facebook audience

Unlike outbound marketing which relies on non-selective, hard-sell tactics of reaching out to random people and bombarding them with brand messages, social media marketing requires you to create detailed buyer personas and target them in a highly personalised manner.

Find out as much as possible about your target audience by interacting with them and reading their comments both on your and your competitors’ social media channels.

Besides that, Facebook is a gold mine of information about its users as they share personal information about themselves upon signing up.

The next step is segmenting and customising your target audience based on several parameters such as;

  • location
  • age
  • gender
  • interests
  • behaviour
  • connections

This procedure is necessary if you want to produce relevant content that will resonate with your audience, as well as for running successful Facebook Ad campaigns.

2. Create an irresistible offer

When it comes to advertising, Facebook has managed to beat regular web ads in two respects.

First of all, in terms of effectiveness, Facebook ads boast 8.1 times higher CTRs on desktop and 9.1 times higher CTRs on mobile than other online ads.

In addition to that, the average conversion rate for Facebook ads is 9.21%, while display and banner ads have significantly lower conversion rates.

Secondly, it’s worth mentioning that Facebook ads cost less than their alternatives. However, in order to give an additional boost to these favourable statistics, you need to try harder and create a compelling offer that your audience will actually like.

If you have done the first step right, it will be easier for you to come up with an offer that people, who get to see your ad won’t be able to resist.

What you should have in mind when creating your Facebook ads is that their success lies in the fact that they’re contextual. Facebook suggests narrowing down your reach in order to target the audience that is most likely to react and engage.

To cut the long story short, be precise and specific.

Being too salesy and pushy is out of the question, so don’t focus on yourself, but insist on the benefits that your potential customers will get and highlight the pain points which your product or service will solve.

3. Generate valuable content

And make sure to gate it!

Unique and fresh content that addresses common problems of your target audience in a helpful manner is an excellent lead bait. But in order to monetise your efforts, offer it only in exchange for some valuable personal information.

Create a simple form, and after visitors to your Facebook page sign up, unlock your exclusive content such as e-books, guides, or white papers. This is one of the best and most direct ways of transforming likes into leads.

Promote your content both on your Facebook page and other channels of communication, and reveal only interesting snippets that will entice your target audience to like your page and fill out the form.

4. Run contests and giveaways

OK, this might be similar to bribery, but it works like a charm.

People love freebies and swag, but that’s not the only reason to give them branded stuff and products for free.

Psychologically speaking, people are highly susceptible to the principle of reciprocity, meaning that they feel obliged to give something back in return after they receive something.

This powerful tactic of persuasion will help you land tons of new leads. What’s even better, these contests and giveaways don’t have to cost a pretty penny.

You can, for example, encourage your fans to share your posts and get some cool branded items, and these days it’s not difficult to find affordable and yet quality custom T-shirts, mugs, hats, key rings, USB flash drives, etc.

Apart from the fact that your Facebook fans will feel an urge to buy your product after receiving a gift, these promotional items with your logo printed all over them will serve as an excellent advertising tool as they can build brand recognition and awareness in the offline world too.

5. Use retargeting

It takes time for your potential customers to learn more about your brand before they make a purchasing decision. Some statistics say that 96% of people who visit your website for the first time aren’t yet ready to buy.

So, don’t expect that they will pull their credit cards out and click the buy button the first time they see your Facebook ad. But, you’ve got an ace in the hole and it’s called the Facebook pixel.

By installing this tiny and invisible code on your website, you’ll be able to “follow” people who visit your website, blog, landing page, or interact with your Facebook ads without converting, all around the web and serve them your ads again and again.

This remarketing tool is extremely useful as it will focus your advertising efforts only on people familiar with your brand and those who have shown an interest in your products or services, which means that they’re the right material for becoming qualified leads.

Apart from that, retargeting pixel allows you to track conversions from your Facebook ads, collect a lot of valuable data, and help you optimise your campaigns.

6. Don’t forget landing pages

Landing pages are essential conversion tools. Namely, in order to skyrocket your conversion rates, you need to align your offers with perfectly crafted landing pages, because that’s where the main action happens.

Your Facebook ads serve the purpose of communicating your offer and capturing your prospects’ attention, but a landing page with a clear and strong unique value proposition is what actually triggers conversions. 

Landing pages work hand in hand with the above-mentioned gated and exclusive content.

Of course, don’t burden all your content with conversion forms, but it’s a good idea to include CTAs within each blog post you publish, as well as to put links to corresponding landing pages in descriptions of videos you publish on YouTube.

A word of advice: build a new landing page for every specific offer in order to focus the attention of your prospects on one thing at a time and avoid distractions.

Companies with more than 40 landing pages score 12 times more leads than those with less than 5.

With these few methods, you can easily take advantage of your Facebook traffic and monetise all your social media efforts.

Nate Vickery

Consultant at Bizzmark

I am a marketing consultant mostly focused on improving digital visibility for startups and SMEs.

Comments (1)
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

Very informative and helpful article. Thanks for sharing. I still need to look into adding the Facebook Pixel to my site.

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