

Consulting & strategy (9)

GPO Box 2479, Sydney, NSW 2001

ABN 41002241554
EST 2004


Opsis is about Microsoft Dynamics 365 success - your success. When the buck stops with you, and you have to get your Dynamics 365 working, your users happy, or the correct reports, speak to Opsis.

Why choose Opsis for your Dynamics 365 Success?
We are experienced
Opsis consultants have been working with Microsoft Dynamics 365, and previously Microsoft CRM, since 2002. In that time, we have helped many hundreds of companies across a wide range of industries.

We are responsive
As a small consultancy, we have no cumbersome hierarchy or multinational mumbo jumbo - things just get done. We are independent and therefore agile, which leads to a refreshingly entrepreneurial approach and the ability to leap when you have a need.

We are innovative
Our principal consultant, Gill Walker, has a unique, problem solving approach, which combined with her experience means that we can use the best of the technology and still deliver your requirements

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