Neil Steggall
Neil Steggall Partner at Wardour Capital Partners

Have you considered engaging an advisory or corporate mentor?

Advisory Board Members or Corporate Mentors are increasingly used in startups and/or growth companies to help grow and develop a business by taking advantage of the experience, skills and important contacts provided.Yet many companies appear reluctant to take this step, often waiting until they are out of their depth or in trouble by which stage it may be too late to help.

Top voted answer
Kirsty Fox

Kirsty Fox, Principal at Spitfire Accounting Solutions

Top 10% Accounting

I think it is a good idea. I think every business can benefit from an "Advisory Board". Probably the bigger question is who to have on your board. A mentor is an excellent starting point, and you need an "outsider" who can look at the business dispassionately.

Eloah Paes Ramalho

Eloah Paes Ramalho, Community Manager at SavvySME

That's something I've often thought about and never knew (or researched) where to start. What I have done is to write down of list of people whom I know and I think would be good advisors. What's in it for them, @Neil Steggall and @Kirsty Fox ! How did the two of you go about puting together a board member?



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