Melissa ELIAS
Melissa ELIAS Director at SubNook

Do you know Australian start ups with a marketable product?


I am set to launch SubNook in a month; a subscription commerce site. I'm focused on a niche to uplift Australian small businesses by acquiring their sample or full sized products to include in a monthly box subscription.

Do you know someone who has a marketable product but is not a commercial enterprise? I am looking for an initial product fill of 25-50 items. Benefit is this item will be produced through to mass marketing and a savvy marketing campaign to initially gain consumer attention. Proving the hypothesis that this will benefit small business and the 'little guy', then my parallel research into taking this a) global and b) develop a micro-trade model will be proven to commence the second phase. Suppliers will be able to have involvement to shape SubNook.

Hope to hear soon.


James Norquay

James Norquay, SEO Director at Prosperity Media

I think a few companies are doing this currently with the sample of products to the community, it seems to be working ok in the UK and US I notice some investment coming in for Australian companies in the samples space. 

But my question is:

1. How will you break this down via various niches for example:

- Fashion goods - Tech goods - b2b goods - office goods? Are you going to make it niche specific? 

2. I have contacts in all types of business but they would question what is the existing marketing budget, what is the currently marketing base you are working off ect?


Good luck with the project



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