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How can I improve employee retention in a building and construction business?

What can you do to ensure tradesmen stay in their job? How do you motivate your staff to increase employee retention? 

Top voted answer
Sonia King

Sonia King, Founder & Managing Consultant at King Consulting

Top 10% Human Resources

The best thing you can do is communicate with them. Ask them about their career aspirations, take notes and see how you can assist them to achieve their goals with your business. Give feedback regularly during tool box talks about what people are doing well and what could be improved and how you can help them improve. These actions really help with loyalty. You can also do small things such as writing a personal thank you card, providing a bar b q after a big job is complete and so on. I hope this is helpful.

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Great insight. How often should you be giving rewards? Regularly or just when the work has been put in?


Team Management

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