Jane Jones
Jane Jones Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

What is a mistake a good business person never makes?

There are many things to learn in business.  What are some of the mistakes you've made and what have your learned along the way?

Top voted answer
Hitesh Mohanlal

Hitesh Mohanlal, Director at WOW! Advisors & Business Accountants

Losing track of the Numbers

Figures never lie. They always tell a story.

I have never - I repeat never - met a financially successful business person who consistently makes money and profit year in year out who DID NOT know about their numbers. And I have have been  advising businesses for about 20 years now.

There have been times I have become busy and taken my focus away from my numbers. These are the times I made less money but seemed more busy.

It is the same for my clients. Those that meet us every month on average make more than 3 to 4 times than those that do not. 

When you track your numbers - even if they are horrible - you are indirectly asking how you can make it better. You see trends before its too late. It makes you ask difficult questions. It forces you to change direction if they do not look like what you want.


Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

We're in business to make money so the numbers are definitely important. I also think you have to have a business plan and keep coming back to it every 3 months to make sure you are see results, hitting goals and revising if need be.

Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Thanks @Hitesh Mohanlal 

Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Top 30% Accounting

I think we all made mistakes and learn from them ... What about your experiences @John Eustace @Lauren Hutchin @Danielle Lewis @Daniella Pozzolungo @Hitesh Mohanlal @Hamish Anderson ?



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