Jane Jones
Jane Jones Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

What experience do you need for running a business?

Do you need to be an expert in some area? Or just have a passion? Or be a jack of all trades? 

Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Top 30% Accounting

What do you think is the required skillset to run your own business... Would love to hear your opinions @Hadrien Brassens @Steve Gray @Jef Lippiatt @Pam Pitt @Mahua Das @Cathal Uniacke @Andrew Tucker @Paige Arnof-Fenn ?

Paige Arnof-Fenn

Paige Arnof-Fenn, Founder & CEO at Mavens & Moguls

Top 10% Marketing

 I have written a LOT about this it takes a lot of hard work good luck:  http://mavensandmoguls.com/articles.html 

Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME Premium

You need experience having some guts. If you're easily scared, don't do it. 


Starting a Business

  94       128

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