Jane Jones
Jane Jones Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

How important is networking?

How do you network?  And do you find value in attending networking events?

Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME Premium

I hate networking events. I find them massive time-wasters. 

I'm not fond of networking either but I can see its merits. For me, in personal and work life, I like to be intentional. If there's no point to the relationship, then I won't pursue it. Whether that's a short term or long term objective, I need one before I build a relationship. Be that objective, simply be that we share similar interests in business or similar values.... or something more tangible. 

As for how? Through any medium available! If I can find their email address, phone number, social media profiles.. and then through coffee/food. 


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