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Bing ads vs Google Ads: Which is better?

Are Bing ads better than Google Ads? Which is better for advertising a small business online?

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10% Advertising

Would love to get your thoughts on this @Kaylene Grieve !

Renee Rollestone

Renee Rollestone, Librarian at Hume Libraries

Hi, thanks for your question! 

This is relatively easy question to answer. Google ads has over 90% of market share on search engines and its growing. If you are wanting to advertise on a search engine, the majority of my time and budget would go to Google Ads. Bing ads is second to Google in terms of market share but it's a very small piece of the pie, roughly, 5%. 

Google ads is also very easy to use and has alot of education and information to help you if you ever get stuck! 

Hope this helps!


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