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How much do BAS agents charge for BAS lodgement fees?

In your experience, how much does a BAS agent typically charge for BAS preparation and lodgement fees? How are BAS agent fees structured?

Top voted answer
Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent

Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent, Owner / Manager ★ Certified Bookkeeper ★ BAS Agent at My Office Books - Virtual Bookkeeper & BAS Agent

Top 10% Accounting

The question is too generic. 
The charge for BAS Preparation will depend on many factors.
What business structure, how much data, and if payroll is included.

BAS Agents are required by law to take "reasonable care" when completing any BAS report.
Code Item 10 requires registered agents to take reasonable care to ensure that taxation laws are applied correctly to the circumstances in relation to which the registered agent is providing advice to a client.'reasonable%20care,to%20have%2C%20in%20the%20circumstances.

The cost will depend on the following:
Is it a sole trader, company, or trust?
Different structures require different compliance parameters. 

Has any data been entered on excel/accounting software?
Has it been coded correctly to income/expenses?
Has the client coded these to the correct tax code?
Is the file bank reconciled to the actual statements?
How accurate/reliable is the data supplied?
How much data is there? 10 transactions a month or 1000's?
Does the client have a payroll?
Has the payroll been reconciled?
Are the awards/breaks compliant to Fair Work?

These questions above will all need to be considered before any amount can be set. 

This stated, if the file is 100% clean, not requiring any checking or confirmation it might be lodged for as little as $99 -$220.00 by a BAS or Tax Agent. If there is payroll, add more on that amount. 

However, given the requirement of "reasonable care" I would never personally lodge a BAS report I have not compiled myself. 

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Lots to consider again @Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent ! Do you find BAS agents tend to stick within a close price range for this e.g. $99-$220 or there be a bit difference depending on the experience of the agent?

Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent

Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent, Owner / Manager ★ Certified Bookkeeper ★ BAS Agent at My Office Books - Virtual Bookkeeper & BAS Agent

Top 10% Accounting

The price will vary depending on the experience/qualification of the BAS Agent and what services are included. 

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Therese Katie

Therese Katie

What if I'm barely at the GST threshold because I was an idiot who made $5000 too much one year. My income is $17000-23000 GST inclusive for about 20-25 days of work per three months. Everything is in an excel spreadsheet, I'm the one doing the data matching checking it against my bank records. My credits are 2-5 deductions that result in a $1-100 GST credit range because realistically I'm just waiting for my income to drop back off under $75k. I'm also the one checking all my credits and collating the information I have no capital purchases/export income/GST free sales/other weird complexities AT ALL because it's not relevant to me and I simply was an dumbo just made a bit too much one year instead of staying at $75k.
​​​​​​do you think $400 a quarter for such a simple bas statement is reasonable?


Therese Katie

Therese Katie

Oh if it's not obvious I'm a one person operation with next to no expenses from an accounting perspective. In fact some of my GST credits can't even be claimed because they are under a dollar.



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