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How much do bookkeeping services cost?

Can someone advise how much bookeeping services usually cost for small businesses?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

The cost of bookkeeping services varies from business to business and depends on factors such as the size of your business, the type of tasks to be completed, the size of the workload, the complexity of your accounts, etc. More straightforward, data-entry type tasks will cost less than more complex tasks that require a bookkeeper to balance the books. 


As well as the scope of work, the cost is also affected by a bookkeeper’s level of expertise. That said, below is a snapshot of the average fees you can expect to pay for popular bookkeeping services:

  • Chart of Accounts: $300 p/hour

  • Account reconciliation: $250 p/hour

  • Account payable: $350 p/hour

  • Payroll: $150 p/hour

  • BAS and GST: $250 p/hour

  • General bookkeeping: $150 p/hour


It’s always worth reaching out to several bookkeepers for a tailored quote based on your business needs.




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