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Any tips for ecommerce website design?

Does anyone have any pointers when it comes to ecommerce web design? What are some quick wins to make my site as user-friendly and clean as possible?

Nextbrain Technologies

Nextbrain Technologies, Manager at Nexttbrain Canada

1.Choose & register your domain name
2.To develop an ecommerce website, you need to select an ecommerce platform. Ecommerce platforms are where your website exists online and you have free ecommerce platforms with limited features and almost all the free ecommerce stores are developed on WordPress.
3.Create a simple logo, or you can also create your own logo by using free logo templates.
4.Almost all the ecommerce platforms let you connect to your own payment gateway and merchant account. But for the startups, the plug-and-play and built-in  payment services are the much simpler and economical options.
5.Even if it is a small feature you need to test before going to launch online.  You can do A/B testing and also split-test everything.
6.After launching your ecommerce website, then you need to promote your website.

Nextbrain Technologies is the top mobile app development company in Toronto, Canada which builds customised ecommerce websites and helps in increasing your business revenue.
Check our website to know more


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