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How much do tax accountants charge in Australia?

Does anyone know how much tax agents and accountants charge per hour/per month/per task? How do tax accountant fee structures usually work, e.g. how do they determine whether to charge an hourly rate or monthly retainer fee?

Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME Premium

From experience, tax accountants usually charge an hourly or fixed fee for interim services such as BAS statement and tax returns, but they may also charge you a monthly retainer fee if you require ongoing services. It all depends on the type of services you need and the scope of work involved. You’ll probably find that DIY and online tax agent services are slightly cheaper than in-person services. Experienced tax accountants with years of experience under their belt also tend to charge more than junior tax accountants with less experience. 


To give you an idea, below are the average starting prices you can expect to pay for popular tax accounting services based on our research: 


Tax returns: $150

BAS lodgement: $130

Tax assessment: $250

Tax advice: $150

Business restructuring: $500

Tax planning (including tax minimisation strategies): $500

Set up and management of a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF): $850


Note that the above prices are a rough guide of starting prices only and you may be quoted more or less depending on how your business is structured, the size of your business, where you operate, whether you have any other investments or capital assets, etc.


Hope this helps!



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