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How much do tax accountants charge for business structuring?

Can anyone tell me how much it's likely to cost to hire a tax accountant to assist with business restructuring?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

There may come a time when you outgrow your business structure and need advice on which structure would best suit your needs, tax, growth plans, etc. Accountants can be a great source of advice and help make the process of transitioning to a new entity structure much easier, faster and smoother. 

The cost to hire an accoutnant to assist with business restructuring depends on a few factors including:

  • the complexity of the restructuring
  • whether you need to swap any debt or equity
  • how you want to structure your assets
  • super fund planning and set up
Accountants may charge a fixed fee for this work or they might sometimes charge an hourly fee. As a rough guide, you can expect to pay from $500 for simple business restructuring. More complex situations could be considerably more. The average hourly rate to hire an accoutant ranges between $75 to $200 depending on experience.



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