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How much does a business consultant charge per hour?

I want to hire a business consultant to help me on my journey of starting a business. What are the average hourly rates for business consultants?

Top voted answer
Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Great question! The average hourly rate for business consultants in Australia ranges between $50 to $300. The rate is usually determined by the consultant’s experience, expertise, the size of your business and the type of services you need. It’s worth noting that consultancy firms tend to charge higher than individual consultants so look for individual consultants if you're working with a smaller budget. 


Instead of an hourly rate, some consultants may charge you a fixed fee for certain services or project work. Below is a snapshot of popular consultancy services and their starting prices:

  • Business plan: From $500

  • Business strategy: From $1,500

  • Business transformation: From $3,500

  • Research and development: From $3,000

  • Business growth plans: From $500


Hope this helps!



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