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How much are email marketing copywriting services?

How much does it usually cost to hire an email marketing agency for email copywriting services?

Top voted answer
Amanda Kostro Miller

Amanda Kostro Miller, Copywriter & Content Marketing Writer at

You'll get different rates if you hire a freelance copywriter versus an agency, but they also might be providing slightly different services. 

An email copywriter will help you write conversion-driven emails, but likely won't design, input and execute sending those emails. Depending on the agency, they may offer full service creation, execution and monitoring of email stats. 

Freelance copywriter rates vary greatly on number of emails and expertise. For example, a 5-sequence email funnel from a new copywriter may be in the 100s (say, $300-500) but an experienced copywriter with a proven track record of great conversions could cost 1000s ($5000-12000).

But hiring a copywriter to write your emails is the way to go. You'll nuture your subscribers, get them to know and trust you... and eventally, land those conversions!  

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Interesting @Amanda Kostro Miller - is it worth going for a more experienced copywriter then or should you look more at their writing style?

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

So, I've worked as a freelance copywriter and have also seen how different email copywriting firms can be. Here's what I can say as someone who has worked in it and also seen how much the upcharge can be:

  • If you want to hire a freelancer for email marketing copywriting, you might be able to get five emails for as little as $250 to $300. In some rare cases, you may be able to hire a "fresh out of college" writer for $15 per hour to keep churning out content.
    • However this does not guarantee any quality and you may be the one stuck holding the bag for conversion.
    • Each freelancer has their own rates.
  • If you hire a professional copywriter, then you should expect to pay between $300 to $600 for five emails. This may get you some better results. 
  • People who have a serious track record of success and those who offer extra marketing abilities will do your email copywriting service for anywhere from $1000 to $2000 for a batch. Some even charge higher. 
    • I've personally heard of A-list copywriters who were able to charge as much as $2000 PER EMAIL. They often had the best track records in the industry. 
    • Hourly, you should expect to pay at least $50 per hour for a top-of-the-line writer. 

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10% Advertising

Would love to hear your thoughts on this @Tom Valcanis @Amanda Kostro Miller @Megan Edwards 


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