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How many radio spots should I buy?

How many spots would you recommend buying for a radio ad campaign?

Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

According to Australian marketing Wizards of Ads, the number of radio spots you should buy depends on what your goal is for your radio campaign. 


Are you looking for your brand to become a household name, or are you bringing awareness to a special event?

1. Short-term special events and sales.


When you're advertising for special holiday events or big sales, it's crucial to think backward when planning for radio. For a special event, the last ad (or first ad you plan) is right before the start of the event, while for a sale, that ad should be towards the end of the sale. Either way, your approach will be the same, starting with the last ads and working backward each hour between the hours of 6 am-7 pm. In this case, we recommend 65 spots a week should be the minimum number of ad spots you buy leading up to a sale or event.


2. Make your business a household name.


When looking for staying power among customers, radio advertising is the best approach. That's because it's effective in delivering powerful messages directly to consumers consistently.

  1. Powerful messages

  2. Repetition 

  3. Consistency

These are the three keys to turning your brand from an unknown commodity to a household name. However, because staying power and consistency are essential, expect to see minimal return during the first few months of your campaign. Remember, the goal isn't to gain immediate results; it's to establish yourself as a go-to brand in your community! With that in mind, it's recommended to buy at least 21 radio ad slots weekly between 6 am to 7 pm, all year around.


This will ensure you, your brand, and your advertisements will become known to consumers around Australia.


Radio Advertising

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