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How much does it cost to file your taxes with H&R Block?

How much does it typically cost to lodge a business tax return with H&R Block?

Top voted answer
Debbie Hoffman

Debbie Hoffman at Stellar Accounts Pty Ltd

I find that H&R block charge a lot more these days then they used to and you do not always work with the qualified accountant - a lot of smaller/soletrader type practices are lower in price and you work directly with the qualified owner who is experienced and knowledgable - if you have a small business I would recommend seeking an accountant that you will see each year, that you can build a rapport with, and knows and understands your business rather than an accounting practice where a different person looks at your tax each year.


Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Good question! The cost of filing a business tax return with H&R Block is pretty reasonable. There are two options: DIY online or pay a bit more and get an online tax agent to do it for you. 


If you go for the DIY option, you will complete your tax return online and an H&R Block tax expert will review it to help you maximise your tax refund. This option starts from $79 for sole traders and investment property owners. 


If you decide to lodge your tax return online with an expert, a tax agent will prepare and submit your tax return on your behalf. This way, you can ensure you haven’t missed any tax deductions or offsets. They’ll ask you to review it and once you give the green light they will submit it to the ATO. The cost of this service starts from $299 for sole trader and partnership businesses.  

There are over 400 H&R Block offices dotted around the country and tax return prices may vary by office location. It may cost you a bit more in metro areas than it would in regional locations. You can find and contact your local H&R Block office to find out exactly how much it will cost:



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