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Would you recommend filing a tax return with H&R Block?

Have you used H&R Block for your business tax returns? Would you recommend it?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Great question! I’ve not filed a tax return for my sole trader business with H&R Block, but I’ve heard pretty good things. It is one of Australia’s most popular tax accountancy companies for individuals and businesses and has been around for over 50 years now. From what I’ve gathered, it’s a trusted company and their services are reasonably priced. From my research, some of the top benefits of lodging your tax return with H&R Block include:

The service is online which makes the process of filing your tax return easier and more efficient 

They have a maximum refund guarantee and if you happen to find that you’re entitled to a bigger tax return they will refund your preparation fee and lodge an amendment with the ATO

  • You get a one on one service with a qualified tax adviser online 
  • After submitting all of your documents you usually hear back from your tax agent within one business day
  • You don’t need to pay for the service if you’re not completely satisfied 
  • The preparation fee is tax deductible so you can claim it on your next tax return 
  • They offer other services to help you better manage your cashflow and financials 

I would be really interested in learning if any other business owners have lodged a small business tax return with H&R Block and whether you had a good experience? With tax season approaching, I’m currently trying to weigh up whether to hire an accountant or go for an online service like H&R Block.



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