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How much does a tax return package cost?

What is the average cost of a tax return package for small businesses?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Excellent question. Tax return packages are a good option if you want to ensure your tax return is completed currently and on time. It can lessen some of the stress of tax season and help you maximise your tax return. To give you a bit of an idea, here is a list of different tax return packages and prices for sole trader and small business tax returns that I’ve gathered from my research: 


H&R Block

  • DIY tax return prices start from $79 (includes a review of your application by a tax agent to maximise your return)

  • Online tax agent service starts from $299 (a tax agent takes care of the entire process and prepares and lodges your tax return for you)



  • Business tax returns start from $189.60


Pop Business

  • Company tax return packages start from $500 + GST

  • Sole trader packages start from $350 + GST


Ezy Tax Online

  • Company tax return/trust tax return starts from $450

  • Partnership tax return starts from $340

  • GST registered sole trader tax return starts from $240

  • Uber and rideshare business tax return starts from $240


*Note that the above prices for Ezy Tax services also include a financial report.



  • Individual tax return with one rental property and/or small business starts from $199 including GST (there is an additional fee of $100 for every additional rental property or small business activity you have)

  • Sole trader tax return with financials starts from $480 + GST

  • Company, trust and partnership online tax return preparation starts from $180 + GST

  • Basic tax reporting for a company or trust tax return starts from $400 + GST


Hiring an accountant 

  • The cost to hire an accountant for a sole trader tax return ranges between $300 to $500

  • Company tax returns typically range between $1,000 and $3,500

Hope this helps!



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