Preetha Siri
Preetha Siri

What would be the top three rules of the social media etiquette during recruitment drives?

Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

There are many things that should be considered when recruiting on social media, but I'll stick to 3 that I would personally follow.

  1. Do not spam followers. It's okay to post a few times a day if you are trying to extend your reach over several time zones. It is not okay to annoy all the people already following you (they may bristle and decide to not to follow you anymore).
  2. Do not ask for too much personal information in a public message. Respect individual needs for privacy. There is no need for public over-sharing. If you are looking for personal details or contact information that is not readily available, use a private message or email.
  3. Engage with personality. Try to make personal and meaningful connections. Don't use stock messages. Use messages that are on point with your brand's tone and style. Start a two-way dialogue. Ask for creative responses and respond to them in a timely manner.

Those would be the 3 rules I would personally follow.

Preetha S

Preetha S

Thanks Jef. You have pointed out three fundamental principles for recruitment drives via social media.

Preetha S

Preetha S

Hi Jef. While recruiting for startups, do you think LinkedIn would be more effective than Facebook?

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Phil Sealy

Phil Sealy, CEO at Pro Leaders Academy

Top 30% Branding

Where to start, first point can be included for all types of recruiting and this is assuming you already have a strategy in place.
1. Be clear and very detailed in the position you are recruiting for, if you don’t know exactly what type of person you are looking for and what they need to value to meet your culture how do you expect the possible applicants to know if they are right for the role you are trying to fill. This will save you getting a lot of time wasters apply for the position and if they do you can clearly and quickly remove them as they are not meeting the brief you have created.

2. When you are using social media to recruit have a clear plan on how you are going to get their information and any supporting detail you require, you will need to be open and upfront with them so they know where and how it will all work and so you are not getting their personal details out in the public space. This will show you have respect for them and their privacy from the very start.

3. When using social media for the process be professional, however be more relaxed in the approach, after all you are using social media and not a formal process and it is more relaxed in its approach. There are so many more so happy to add more if it would help as I have recruited via social media before successfully.

Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Thanks @Phil Sealy - I'm interested to hear more of what you have to say...  It's so easy to do it in a lazy way because social media seems so casual but we do have to do it in a certain way so as to be seen as having a legitimate position and not something that's seen as lesser value because it was advertised via social and not more traditional methods. 



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