Michelle Matthews

Michelle Matthews, Community Manager at SavvySME

Michelle Matthews

Community Manager at SavvySME

Member Since June 2021

Marketing & communications

Sydney, NSW

Hey there! I'm Michelle and I'd like to share a fun fact with you.

Did you know that less than one-half of start-ups survive for more than five years and only A FRACTION develop into high-growth firms?

Crazy, right? Imagine investing so much into your dream business, but not having the support to keep afloat for a duration long enough to bear the fruit of your labour?

Our passionate team of industry experts are ready to support you, every step of the way. We specialize in business growth and hope to see you flourish - far beyond the five-year mark. Reach out if you'd like to learn more about SavvySME's Premium Business and the plethora of benefits that come along with it.


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True Sydney Pty Ltd


North Sydney, NSW


Customer Retention
Customer Retention


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Business Ideas


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Business Growth


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