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Should you outsource social media marketing or keep it in-house?

What are the factors to consider when outsourcing or keeping in-house? 

Top voted answer
Anne Clark

Anne Clark, Project Manager + Coach at Anne C Clark

I would say that if you are struggling to keep on top of it and it's not your area of expertise, then yes you should consider outsourcing it. Comparing your hourly rate doing a minimal task against that of hiring someone to do it whilst you focus on your genius zone. 

Alternatively, look at batching and prescheduling your content. You can do most o fyour content in a couple of hours for a whole month. Once you know your theme and items. 

I offer social media support to businesses and would be happy to chat to you about your options and potential costs.  


Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME Premium

I think a better question to ask is which option is more time and cost effective for your business? When running and growing a business, it usually comes down to time and money.
Outsourcing social media marketing and keeping it in-house are both viable with their own pros and cons.
The pros and cons of hiring social media marketing experts in-house 
Your social media team will know your business, brand, policies, products, roadmap intimately like nobody can. They understand the landscape, competitors, and their every move, what worked and didn’t in social media.
By hiring in-house, you’ll get a dedicated person or team to manage and grow your social media profile, unlike outsourcing. Turnaround time is faster too. You will be faster to react to news, changes and can pounce on opportunities on social media as they arise. There’s no time wasted going back and forth between your business and your social media company or agency.
However, if you want to be serious, you'll need to hire a team and that involves salaries, payroll taxes, benefits, office space, utilities, training, etc. Even a one-person department will cost you, as the average social media manager pay in Australia starts from $60K annually and can go up to $90K.
You’ll have to budget for when your employees go on sick leave and vacation. That’s not a problem when you outsource your social media management and campaigns as you are guaranteed they will deliver regardless.  
The pros and cons of outsourcing to a social media company or agency
You’ll get many experts under one roof, specialising in different areas with an agency. They will have worked with multiple clients across industries to cover the breadth and depth of knowledge and experience. Even smaller sized companies tend to have extensive experience and specialised skills.
They can create and improve your social media strategy and ROI, campaigns, and perfect your social media branding. There’s no training needed, and they keep up with the latest trends, tools, updates and methods.
When you outsource, you’re also hiring a fresh eye to look at your social media. There’s nothing like an objective and trained expert from the outside looking in, to improve your ads, content, processes and campaigns. Arguably, external parties can be more creative as they aren’t stuck on the same daily grind as your employees.
If you need to scale, this is easily done by third parties as opposed to hiring more people. It can also be a time saver for small business owners who are wearing many hats. You’ll get to focus on other areas of the business.
However, you may run your budget over if you don’t plan and monitor, especially as top-rated ones will be more expensive. Alternatively, hire small boutique companies and freelancers that are good and affordable.
Outsourcing means it’s a slower process and they won’t know your business as great as your employees. They’ll have other clients and you may not be a priority.
It really boils down to your business. There’s always the hybrid solution of outsourcing some areas of social media and keeping the rest in-house. 

Taz Papoulias

Taz Papoulias, Head Of Media & Strategy at True Sydney Pty Ltd


The very first question above all is Frequency and Quality.
Social media does not work well if
1) There is not enough frequency i.e you post once a month
2) The content is not relevant or perhaps if using someone overseas they don't understand the colloquialisms of the local state/city. 

As an example, a client, who was a high-end butcher, outsourced their Australian social media to a company in the USA who used the term Hot Dogs when it should of been Sausage Sizzle, once we spotted this and tweaked the language the engagement went through the roof because it was more suitable.

A great tip is to build a social media content brief and content calendar.
The calendar allows for forward planning so anyone who is outsourced(or even yourself) can build out 5/10/15 posts ahead of time and have them ready for scheduling and automatic posting.

The brief, allows yourself or whoever is creating the content to have the correct, tone, language, problem to solve or product to product, length and links required.

Finally there is the budget. Internally it could be $60k-$100k staff costs, externally it may be $10k but then you spend all your time correcting and tweaking the work.

I find a blend of both with a well built content plan and brif is a happy medium.

Head Of Media & Strategy


Social Media Marketing

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