Social Media Marketing Q&A

Naveen HMS added an answer to this question
Naveen HMS

Naveen HMS, India at Hakuna Matata Solutions Pvt Ltd

Insta is not only to promote personal photo's,  it’s arguably the most powerful social platform on the earth and a must-have for any business’s social media arsenal!

1. Show your expertise.

2. Inspire with success stories.

3. Inspire with quotes.

4. Make them smile.

5. Raise the curtain.

Sonja Ceri added an answer to this question
Sonja Ceri

Sonja Ceri, CMO at Four Drunk Parrots


Ask to see previous examples of their work to gauge if they are able to create the type of content you are looking for. Also ask them to create 3 -5 pieces of content for your company and see if they are aligned with your message and they type of content you want to be putting out there. Ask them how much time they think it will take each month to create the amount of content you require. And finally ask how much it will cost - you don't want to be hit with any hidden costs when you receive the invoice. 

Jessica Osborn added an answer to this question
Jessica Osborn

Jessica Osborn, Business Coach / Marketing strategiest at Jessica Osborn

Hi Christine (and Maree)
If the business is just closing for the short term while restrictions are in place then - YES! Definitely keep your social media accounts active. Social media's main purpose in your marketing is not sales promotion, it's for communicating and fostering strong ...  expand
Roslyn Holden added an answer to this question
Roslyn Holden

Roslyn Holden, Colour Image Consultant. Trainer and educater at sheike me up

Yes I use Pinterest to0 post Images for my clients to see.

John Eustace added an answer to this question
John Eustace

John Eustace, Principal / Communications and Media Strategist at Bells and Whistles Marketing Pty Ltd

Top 10%
It is fascinating that whenever this type of question is
raised that there individuals who respond with essentially unquantified 3rd party examples or references to expert guides published by social media proponents. Never (yes never) have I had the pleasure of reading one attributable quantified ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

There are several approaches you should consider, but you need to make the decision based on your business and the different types of customers you have. I will throw out a few examples below, but there are many other options and approaches to consider. The best advice I can give you is to be ...  expand
Steven Freeman

, at Evolved Sound

Some of it is trial and error. By testing / comparing the same and different social network platforms across different clients you'll be able to better determine which holds the greatest value and engagement for that target. You could start with a broader broadcast across many platforms and then fine tune your strategy from there.

Megan Edwards added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Megan Edwards

Megan Edwards, Expert Content Marketer + Copywriter at mWords Communications

Hi Matthew
There are pros and cons for using a management company versus doing it yourself.
Time and money are big influences, but in my experience the best value is gained by partnering with an expert who is very clear about your audience, your tone and your growth objectives and can then harness this ...  expand
Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

This is a question I have also been wondering! 

Beau Ushay added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Beau Ushay

Beau Ushay, Owned Media & Marketing Specialist at Ushay Consulting Group

Top 10%
Social Media is a pretty effective way to specifically target your absolute best customers. It's relatively cheap, has great targeting and good tools for people who don't necessarily have a marketing background.

However, because it's simple, don't mistake it for being easy.

Lowering ...  expand
Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Great answer, specifics are spot on!

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