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Can any retail business offer Afterpay or ZipPay?

Do you offer Afterpay or ZipPay? Woud you recommend it for other retail businesses? 

Jane Jones

Jane Jones, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Top 30% Accounting

Afterpay and ZipPay have become popular in recent years and most established retailers are already set-up or considering setting up the 'buy now pay later' service for their businesses. There is a cost to implementing these models for your business. They do have to make a profit afterall.  Afterpay is the more expensive and payments are 4 equal payments fortnightly ($2000 / 4 or $200 / 4).  ZipPay allows the user to set their own repayments (for example $150 a month regardless whether it was a $1500 or $150 purchase).

Interestingly neither of these providers accept AMEX - only Visa and Mastercard at this stage.  There are other players in the market that offer the buy now pay later service so it's important to do your research.  And ultimately, the one you choose has to fit into your business model. 

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