Sales Strategy Q&A

Keith Rowley added an answer to this question
Keith Rowley

Keith Rowley, Joint Owner and Customer Strategist at Sydney Business Web

there arwe several well understood isses and solutions to 'free products'. These come to mind imemdiately:

Perceived Value Decrease: Customers might perceive a product as lower quality because it's free. The value of a product can be psychologically tied to its cost.
Expectation ...  expand
Anonymous added an answer to this question
Yee Trinh

Yee Trinh, Cofounder at SavvySME

In order to expand your customer-base you need to give people a reason why they would want to potentially go out of their way to get to you instead of going to a cafe closer to home. As the others have mentioned, it’s difficult to give suggestions without knowing what you’ve already tried, ...  expand
Michael Simonetti added an answer to this question
Michael Simonetti

Michael Simonetti, Founder and Director at AndMine

Top 10%
Something i've been answering for over 20 years. When we first started, I never knew what to charge, it is a guessing game, trial and error to work out where your services sit, vs the market-place as a guide. It should constantly evolve. Start higher leaves room for negotiation, and always ask the ...  expand
Steve Osborne added an answer to this question
Steve Osborne

Steve Osborne, director at Stephen Roger Osborne

Top 10%

Can anyone tell me whether line fees are required for the bigger retail chains, in the same way as the supermarkets?

Greg Rogers added an answer to this question
Greg Rogers

Greg Rogers, Founder and CEO at Rethink HQ

Hi Steve,

Great question with no single right answer.

Some will suggest that it is impossible to have an 'outsider' come in and perform sales in a similar fashion to what an external OHS consultant or Business Coach might do.

Others will argue the other way.

There are organisations and individuals who offer the type of solution you have posed in your question and that others have expanded on.

I would be more than happy to have a conversation with you around some strategies that might be of interest to you, at the very least give you a couple of more options.



Greg Rogers added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Greg Rogers

Greg Rogers, Founder and CEO at Rethink HQ

Hi Selena,
One thing? Cos there are many, many things.
But just one?
Define it.
Define it and you will be able to identify the ONE THING that will work best. ...  expand
Benjamin Lai added an answer to this question
Benjamin Lai

Benjamin Lai, Director at Sales Ethos

Top 30%

Thanks for the tag Eloah!

Wow, broad question! There are so many factors that come into play:

Culture & Management
- Have a clear vision and inspire purpose
- Hire the right people
- Set the right cultural tone; lead by example

- Have an established system
- Coach & train them in the process, while allowing for flexibility
- Minimise administrative burden
- Set the right KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) and rewards

Each of these points could be a book or blog in itself!

Yee Trinh

, Cofounder at SavvySME

Thanks for the response @Benjamin Lai !

Agree with all those points. Sales teams in a nutshell.

High churn rate in sales team members is not uncommon, if not expected. I think both you and @Shannon Young hit the nail on the head. Clear vision and purpose is so important to the retention and success of quality sales people. Monetary rewards alone are not enough. There will always be another company offering higher earning potential. 

Benjamin Lai

, Director at Sales Ethos

I once heard from a senior sales manager for IBM that to retain staff, you need to fulfil at least two of three criteria: Money, Work, and Colleagues.

A person might tolerate negative colleagues if they are earning a lot and enjoy their work. Or, they may accept a paycut for a positive work environment. Violate more than one of these and a person will surely leave!

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Cliona Elliott added an answer to this question
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Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Hi Federica!
The cost to run online sales promotions varies depending on a range of factors including:
The platform/channel - e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, AdWords, etc
Pricing options - on the Google display network you can choose cost-per-click (CPC), cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPC) and cost-per-acquisition ...  expand
Orna Binder added an answer to this question
Orna Binder

Orna Binder, Orna Binder Wedding Celebrant at Orna Binder Wedding Celebrant

Top 30%

The only way to avoid discounting spiral is by not going that rabbit hole.
Don't even start, as there will be NO end to that, and these customers just shout TROUBLE!
I would never agree to that, as it is  disrespectful to the work I do, the caring, time, effort I put into my work.  

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