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Facebook ads vs. Instagram ads: Which is best?

When it comes to social media advertising, is it more effective to advertise on Facebook or Instagram? Is it cheaper to advertise on either platform?

Top voted answer
Jvalin Sonawala

Jvalin Sonawala, Owner at Market Your Biz

Both have their own benefits. Facebook is popular in all age groups while Instagram is famous in the younger generation. Facebook is better to direct advertising responses while Instagram is best for influencer marketing. A significant consideration in choosing which platform is better for you is the existing demographics and audiences.  

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Great insight @Jvalin Sonawala ! Does this apply to making sales rather than engagement?

Jvalin Sonawala

Jvalin Sonawala, Owner at Market Your Biz

Hi Hatty,
There is no direct sales on Instagram. If you want to sell on Instagram you need to prepare Facebook catalogue on Facebook business manager. Its mostly for engagement.

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Interesting! Thanks for answering 

Taz Papoulias

Taz Papoulias, Head Of Media & Strategy at True Sydney Pty Ltd

It really depends on your goals. Some believe there is no selling on Instagram when actually you can build out shoppable feeds with 3rd party software + Instagram is rolling out new features in 2022.

But if Sales are not your goal and it's about awareness or perhaps driving traffic to your website it depends on the target market and your end goals.

As an example to target decision makers in business and marketing you may look at Lead Generation Forms on Linkedin, if you have a product such as food or clothing there is Pinterest, Google Shopping, Amazon display advertising network as well as more visual platforms such as TikTok or Snapchat Ads.

The first steps I would take are:
1) Where is your market? You can google "social media stats" and find out where your ideal customer spends most of their time
2) Is it highly visual? Do I have high quality images and videos to promote, or do I want more of a shopping list style platform
3) How much profit is in each item and how much is the click/view/listing/ad etc... If a $50 item has $25 profit, that means you have $25 (roughly) to try and sell the product. So at $1 a click, you need to sell 1 item every 25 clicks just to break even

I hope this top line view gives you greater insight.

Eloah Paes Ramalho

Eloah Paes Ramalho, Community Manager at SavvySME


Great breakdown of numbers on item 3), @Athan Papoulias  ! So many questions reading this! I'll just write three: What are Lead Generation Forms on LinkedIn?! How do you "google social media stats" to find out where your ideal customer is?  How do you build shoppable feeds for professional services on IG? You should write an article on these!

@Ryan O'Donnell , are you following this thread?


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