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How do I choose a business coach?

How do I choose a business coach? Can anyone offer some advice on the best ways to find a good business coach, e.g. is it best to get referrals in your professional network or is there some sort of business coach directory?

Babette Bensoussan

Babette Bensoussan, Managing Director at The MindShifts Group Pty Ltd

Top 20% Team Management

If I can make a suggestion - the first place I would start is with the International Coaching Federation -  This is their Australasian site and there you can find coaches who have properly qualified to be a coach through an accredited program.  You can also find someone in your area if you are looking for face to face or someone with the specific skills you are after from anywhere in the region.  

There are also 3 levels of certification - Accredited Certified Coach (ACC), Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and Master Certified Coach (MCC).

If I can help you, please let me know.  


Business Coaching

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