Business Coaching Q&A

Ossiana Tepfenhart added an answer to this question
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

So, I can answer this pretty well since I had a writing mentor in the type of showbiz I work in. The truth is that a lot of mentorships don't cost a dime, and to a point, that's how it SHOULD be. But, let's say that you go the hiring route first. 

If you hire a professional business ...  expand
David Bobis added an answer to this question
David Bobis

David Bobis at Charisma Works

Hi Kathie, thank you so much ffor these recommendations!

Ossiana Tepfenhart added an answer to this question
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Business coaching in the workplace is a good move for companies of all sizes, particularly if they have a lot of inner strife that they deal with. If you're a manager looking to hire a business coach for managerial reasons, one of the biggest benefits is getting a second pair of eyes. 

Personally, ...  expand
Ossiana Tepfenhart added an answer to this question
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Online business coaching can be cheaper than in-person, but that's not a rule. Most business coaches are okay traveling for their clients. However, they might charge a lower rate if they feel like it'll be less of a hassle for them to do it online. 

With that said, it's also pretty ...  expand
Jef Lippiatt added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jef Lippiatt

Jef Lippiatt, Owner at Startup Chucktown

I find that limiting yourself to times (or short bursts) of concentration to be very helpful. For example block off 30 minutes or an hour to focus on a specific task. Include time to get up and walk around to let your thoughts marinate and solidify.

Miriam Miles

, Founder at Resonate - Online Presence Development

I'd love to add to this great answer (you beat me to it Jeff!) that for those of us who's brains might be wired on high speed at all times, concentration can be a really difficult thing to grasp. I recently came across the Pomodoro technique (25 min stints of concentrated work with a five min break each time) and although I've not used the specific technique yet, it really resonates with me. So, if you're better at short burst activity and focus, run with it! Just because your colleague can sit for hours on end entrenched in a spreadsheet or detailed doc doesn't mean you have to as well. Be yourself, go with the natural ebb and flow of your energy and natural focus levels and exploit that instead. You'll be amazed at what happens when you switch into your natural way of doing things!

Jef Lippiatt

, Owner at Startup Chucktown

Great expansion answer. I prefer the Albert Einstein approach, “If I had an hour to solve a problem I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions.” - Albert Einstein. I prefer to do a deep dive on all or as many underlying issues as possible before I just start throwing out solutions. Solutions that are easy to spit out usually do not address anything other than the obvious surface issues. I've always thought problems are more interesting than their solutions.

George Dye
George Dye added a new question about Business Coaching
Bruce Patten

Bruce Patten, Grants Specialist at Pattens Group Pty Ltd

Top 10%
Hiring a grants consultant provides significant benefits, depending on your specific needs and circumstances. Here are some of the key values they can bring:
Expertise and Knowledge: They are are experienced in navigating the complex landscape of grant funding. They understand the nuances of different ...  expand
Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent added an answer to this question
Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent

Amanda Hoffmann - Certified Bookkeeper, BAS Agent, Owner / Manager ★ Certified Bookkeeper ★ BAS Agent at My Office Books - Virtual Bookkeeper & BAS Agent

Top 10%

Particularly with Covid_19, everyone is using Wifi when they work from home. When you work virtually, reliable fast wifi has never been more important. When the NBN slows down to a crawl, so too does your time management and scheduling plans. Definitely slow, unreliable NBN. Broadband was so much faster and reliable. 

Yee Trinh

, Cofounder at SavvySME

In the vein of COVID... poor audio quality and connection issues are a real pain in the butt. When you're doing Zoom/Skype calls. 

Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Definitely! Spending 10 minutes saying "hello...hello...are you there...lost you there" is never fun!

Kavitha Vipulananda added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Kavitha Vipulananda

Kavitha Vipulananda at ALLEURA

My business income has dropped significantly in the last 2 weeks and will do so for about 2 months. I feel after that it will pick up and return to what it was.

Phil Khor

, Founder at SavvySME

Hi Kavitha, Do you work primarily in the residential or commercial real estate market? And do you buy, sell, develop and/or manage properties for clients? Which of these services have attributed most to the drop in revenue for your business?

Orna Binder added an answer to this question
Orna Binder

Orna Binder, Orna Binder Wedding Celebrant at Orna Binder Wedding Celebrant

Top 30%
For me as a marriage celebrant, it was a bit of a shock at the beginning of the lockdown as we really didn't know what we are facing, as well as weddings were limited to only 5 people for some time, then 10, 20 and we can now see how it's slowly opening up for outdoor venues - at least in NSW.

So ...  expand
Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Thanks @Orna Binder - it's brilliant to hear how you have pivoted during this time 

Tobias Sherson added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Tobias Sherson

Tobias Sherson at Local Restaurant Pty Ltd

Top 20%
Hi there,
I'm Tobias Sherson, head of operations for Local Restaurant PTY LTD which  has a new online platform for ordering meals for pickup only.

As a former Publican, the restaurant business is a topic that is very close to my heart and it is extremely painful to watch the businesses ...  expand
Jane Jones

, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

This is a great initiative @Tobias Sherson .  

Jane Jones

, Marketing Consultant at Global Compliance Institute

Are you thinking this is something that you'll continue with long term - when we eventually come out the other end of COVID?

Jeffrey Joel added an answer to this question
Jeffrey Joel

Jeffrey Joel, MD at Auspac Trading NSW PL

1. cash flow

2. adding and getting the right staff

3. ever increasing overhead costs, such as insurance, super contributions... list goes on

4. time, never enough hours in the day to do the important things such as growing the business

5. margins, more and more products are now just commodities. It's getting harder and harder to differentiate in order to gain higher margins

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