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Can new businesses benefit from coaching?

In your experience, can new businesses benefit from small business startup coaching or do you think it's better to wait until I've found my feet?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

I'll start this off by saying that everyone is different. Each business is going to have a different point where coaching is going to be more effective, simply because of the way that each CEO can behave. However, it's been my experience that EVERY business can benefit from coaching. 

If you're a new business owner, then there are several ways that you can benefit from a wise and seasoned business coach. The best ways to benefit from business coaching as a new business include:

  • A business coach can help motivate you to keep on the path, especially when you are not sure what you want to do. At times, they may make you realize that you have been barking up the wrong tree. While it may suck to go back to the drawing board, it's better than staying stuck in the wrong industry. 
  • They are also really good for helping you get into a growth mindset. Is your stuff really scalable, or are you just fooling yourself? Coaches will help you get to the right mindset to ensure you don't "play yourself" later.  
  • You might also be able to learn how to network better through them. As a person who was *that guy* when they first started their own business, I can tell you that it's kind of a godsend to have a business coach who gets it. 
  • If you're dealing with negative people in your company's starting spot, rest assured that a good coach will help you distance yourself from them. This can save your company before it even takes off. 
With that said, everyone's experience with a business coach will vary. Business coaches will only work well with you if you listen to what they say and take it to heart. Happy coaching!


Business Coaching

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