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What are the benefits of coaching in the workplace?

Have you ever hired a professional business coach to come in and do sessions with your team? What are the biggest benefits of coaching in the workplace? Would you recommend hiring a workplace coach?

Top voted answer
Bronwen Sciortino

Bronwen Sciortino, CEO at sheIQ Life Pty Ltd

There are always times when providing coaching in the workplace is beneficial. 

Every individual needs growth and development at different points in their lives. The important thing is to find the right coach/mentor to suit the needs of the individuals in your business.

Budgets always play a part, so if you need to provide group focused development sessions, make sure that the content can be customised by each individual so they can apply it to their circumstances and what they need. This is imperative to getting a good result and maximum 'bang for precious buck'. 

Every individual is unique so they need a unique solution. 

If you are budget sensitive - and let's face it, these days every dollar counts in so many ways - then don't feel like you can't provide development solutions for your employees. There are options to help you create solutions (like my Organisational Health & Wellness Planning Kit) that can take you through a more DIY process and show you how you can find free and/or low cost ways to help your team grow.

Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

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Would love to get your thoughts on this @Bronwen Sciortino !

Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

Business coaching in the workplace is a good move for companies of all sizes, particularly if they have a lot of inner strife that they deal with. If you're a manager looking to hire a business coach for managerial reasons, one of the biggest benefits is getting a second pair of eyes. 

Personally, I've seen business coaching pay off in the following ways:


Seriously. I saw one manager getting bullied to heck by the very people they hired, to the point that he would end up getting no work done because of the rats he hired. A coach came in, spoke to him about his issues, and quickly, people ended up getting fired. The business boomed shortly after simply because he wasn't taking any guff anymore.


Do you have a great employee who is highly productive, but manages to get on everyone's nerves? I was that employee. A business coach actually helped me figure out what I'm doing wrong. It made my last office job tolerable. Kinda. 

But yeah, one of the key benefits of a business coach almost always seems to be better communication. Even if it's something like learning boundaries or even learning how to listen to your employees better, you'll have a good time. 


Key points of need are places where your business is suffering or will eventually suffer as a result of mismanagement or work. A lot of people tend to try to hide problems in workplaces in order to save their butts. A business coach that's worth hiring will help you see things for what they are. 

Sometimes, this is one of the top benefits of having a business coach. You'd be shocked at how many "yes men" you might have in your circles.


Business Coaching

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