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What questions should I ask my tax accountant?

Are there any important questions I should ask my new tax accountant to get the most out of our initial meeting?

Top voted answer
Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Asking the right questions is important both before and after you’ve hired a tax accountant.


Important questions to ask when hiring an accountant:

  • What services do you provide?

  • What type of clients do you work with?

  • How do you price your services?

  • Do you include phone calls and emails in your fixed fee?

  • What is your average turnaround time for tax returns?

  • Is my accounting software compatible with yours?

  • How can you help me prepare and get through tax time?

  • Can you recommend any changes that would help my business?

  • How do you think you can help me grow my business?


Important questions to get the most out of your accountant and the services they provide:

  • How and when should I contact you?

  • What do you expect from me?

  • What records should I keep?

  • Can you recommend an accounting software for my business?

  • How can I better manage my cashflow?

  • Which business structure do you recommend?

  • Are there any special tax requirements I should know about?


These are just a few examples, there are so many more questions you can ask your accountant so grab and pen and paper and write down as many as you can. These questions can be vital in seeing if they’re a good fit for your business and add more value to your working relationship.




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