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How much does an accountant charge for small business taxes?

Does anyone know how much accountants charge to do your taxes?

Top voted answer
Debbie Hoffman

Debbie Hoffman at Stellar Accounts Pty Ltd

This really depends on how much work is involved - for my clients, I review the work involved, and provide an upfront quote - it will depend on lots of things, does the client use accounting software, are they registered for GST, do they have employees etc?  Depending on the size of the business - my small business tax returns can start from $175 - going up to around $425.  

Phil Khor

Phil Khor, Founder at SavvySME Premium

This is a common question among business owner and the answer is… it really depends! Different accountants have different fee structures and some may charge you by the hour for tax preparation and lodgment while others will charge a fixed fee. If you have an ongoing monthly retainer your accountant may either include your tax return as part of your monthly accounting package or charge an additional fee. 

From experience, accountants usually charge an hourly rate of $75 to $300+ depending on their expertise. For sole traders and small businesses with a relatively straightforward tax situation, the starting price to hire an accountant to prepare and lodge your income tax return is around $250-$300. For companies or businesses with a more complex tax situation, prices start from $1,000. As a rule of thumb, accounting fees are generally more expensive the more complicated your tax return is. 

The prices mentioned above are for income tax returns only and don’t include BAS statements or tax planning. These services are usually charged separately or as part of an accounting/tax package. 


Hope this helps!



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