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What to send your accountant for taxes?

What documents and records do I need to send to an accountant in order to prepare and lodge my taxes?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Getting prepared for your taxes well in advance is never a bad thing. It will make the process much easier for your accountant and put them in a better position to help you. Yes, you're paying an accounant to provide this service for you, but you need to help them help you. Some of the key documents you'll need to send your accountant are:

  • Personal details/identity documents (name, current home/business address, TFN, ABN)
  • The previous year's tax return 
  • Payroll data
  • Financial business reports (balance sheets, cashflow statements, P&L reports)
  • Capital assets information
  • Stocks and bonds information
  • Loan information 
  • Record of expenses (utilities, bills, receipts, etc)
  • Income records 
  • Tax forms 



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