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How much does it cost to start a cleaning business?

Is there anyone here on SavvySME that operates a cleaning business and can advise how much it will likely cost to set up a cleaning company?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Good question! Starting a cleaning business often has a lower barrier to entry in terms of costs as there are fewer startup costs involved than other types of businesses. It also offers great flexibility and potential to start small and build the business from the ground up. From our research, the initial startup investment starts from $2,000 but could reach $6,000+ depending on where the business is located, the type of equipment you need, whether you’ll be operating alone or hiring staff straight away, etc. This cost factors in things like business registration, licenses and permits, insurance, equipment, website, marketing, etc. 


Another option is to start a franchise cleaning business. Starting a franchise is usually a more expensive option than starting from scratch as you gain the established brand and infrastructure that is already in place. That said, the bigger investment may offer more stability and a quicker return on investment than setting up your own business. It’s a good idea to do some research on franchise opportunities and weigh up the pros and cons of franchising vs starting from scratch. 


Hope this helps!



Starting a Business

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