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How much does it cost to register an ACN online?

Can anyone share how much it usually costs to register an ACN online using a business registration service?

Top voted answer
Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Great question! The cost to register a company with ASIC is $516 (as of 1 July 2021), but you can pay a little extra for an online company registration service. There are many packages available nowadays with different options to meet your needs, whether you want a basic registration only package or you want to add tax and legal compliance for an extra fee. Below are some of the most popular online company registration providers and their starting prices for company registration services:

  • Lawpath: From $516

  • From $541

  • ACN Register: From $556

  • EasyCompanies: From $568

  • eCompanies: $546

  • $546

  • $551

  • Veromo: $599

  • From $665


Note that the above prices are starting prices and that additional services like GST registration, legal documents and advice may not be included in the price. It’s worth shopping around to see what is included in each service to get the best value for money. 


Hope this helps you on your search!



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