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How are business marketing consultant fees structured?

How much do business marketing consultants usually charge and how do their pricing models work?

Cliona Elliott

Cliona Elliott, SEO Copywriter at Intrepid Travel

Good question! Marketing consultants have different fee structures depending on your requirements. They may charge you an hourly or daily fee, fixed fee or results-based fees. From experience, an hourly fee structure seems to be the most common. If they charge you an hourly fee, you’re looking at a starting price of $50, but the average falls closer to $100 to $250+ p/hour. It all depends on the consultant’s expertise, skill level and the type of work at hand.

A consultant should be able to give you a rough estimate of how many hours they think they’ll need. Most consultants will have an initial chat with you to get an idea of your requirements and the scope of work involved. They’ll then give you a quote and a breakdown of the fees. There should never be any hidden costs and there should be transparency about what is and isn't included in the price. 


Hope this helps!



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