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How much does online advertising cost in Australia?

What are the average website advertising rates for small buinesses in Australia? I'm looking to gauge the average online advertising costs to determine where I should advertise my business.

Top voted answer
Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

As an Australian business owner, creating an online advertising budget can prove to be quite tricky at the start. There are many guides online, but they're usually in American currency, not Australian. This could lead to over or under budgeting when it comes to advertising spend. 


According to WordStream, Australia's average cost per click is 5% less than the U.S average. 


So, how much does online advertising cost in Australia? Well, that depends; which platform are you talking about? 


Online advertising costs vary for many reasons:

  • What platform are you using?

  • What is their pricing model?

  • What is your maximum bid?

  • How good is the quality of your ad?

  • How high is your website's site authority?

  • What are your campaign objectives?

  • What industry are you in?


These factors will all significantly affect and vary the cost of your advertising. Before we get into specifics, let's talk averages (remember all figures are in Australian Dollars):


Google Advertising Cost

  • The average cost per click for Google AdWords in Australia is $2.83 on the search network and $0.70 on the display network.

  • The average cost per action (CPA) on a Google advertising search campaign is $72.45.

  • The most competitive keywords on Google and Bing cost over $60 per click.

  • Overall, the average Australian small business consistently using Google spends between $8,000 and $12,000 per month on their online advertising campaigns. 


Facebook and Instagram Advertising Cost

  • Australia is the most expensive country for Facebook advertising.

  • Facebook advertising in Australia is nearly 4x's the global average, according to Socialbakers.

  • The average CPM (cost per a thousand impressions or millie) on Facebook Ads is around $6.

  • The average cost per click for Facebook in Australia is $2.10, and the average price per action on Facebook is 

  • .The average cost per action on Facebook Ads is $22.80.

  • The typical CPM for an Instagram ad is around $6, but rapidly growing with its popularity.

Carl Bischoff

Carl Bischoff at Clicksology

Top 30% Market Research

Be great to know what niche you are in and what you are selling?
Service biz or Ecom?
There are many options these days from Facebook/IG, Google Search/Shopping/YouTube, TikTok, Linkedin for B2B, Twitter, Pinterest ...

You want to advertise where your target market hangs out.

So if you allocated a budget of $3k a mth for example you could run a FB/GGL ads campaign, for consideration is who runs this; you in-house, or via an agency.
(Cost in this case could be 50% to agency 50% ad spend)

Ads agencies like mine generally work off mthly retainers ~$2k a mth plus ad spend, but for that, you will get strategy, advice re best channels and then-campaign management including copy and creative. Ad spend on top.

You could allocate $30 a day = $900 a month on FB for example.
Then run 7-10 day tests to pick winning hooks/ads/creatives.

Google Search/Shopping if for example average CPC was $2 that would only get you 15 clicks a day...
You need some advice and to just get started, and then work the data.

Goes without saying you need the right offer that solves a problem first and good landing page to sell/convert.

It is totally a numbers game paid traffic is the fast way to grow BUT also a great place to burn cash.


Carl Bischoff

Carl Bischoff at Clicksology

Also re daily budget we like to allocate 3* CPA for daily budget so if your CPA is $50 then $150 a day.



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