Advertising Q&A

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

The price depends on your targeting criteria and your competition. I've run CPCs from around $2 and run up to $4 or $5 per click, with the higher end typically coming into play when your click-through rates aren't fantastic.

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

The price depends on your targeting criteria and your competition. I've run CPCs from around $2 and run up to $4 or $5 per click, with the higher end typically coming into play when your click-through rates aren't fantastic.

Quentin Aisbett added an answer to this question
Quentin Aisbett

Quentin Aisbett, SEM & SEO Strategist at SEARCHT

I've used two others not mentioned here already - Adzooma and Opteo. Both are much cheaper than Wordstream. 

In fact, Adzooma now offers it's product for free. It does what you can expect from Wordstream but it doesn't provide the same smooth user experience. I find it a little clunky. But hey, it's free!

Opteo is another that starts at $99 per month, which is still much cheaper than Wordstream and for me a better experience than Adzooma.

Hatty Bell

, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Good to know @Quentin Aisbett ! Great insight into cheaper and free service's too. Have you used either of these @Jignesh Vagadiya ?

Jacquie Baker added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Jacquie Baker

Jacquie Baker, Co-founder at Sureshot

I sincerely hope it isn't the future.  I have used crowdsourcing for small jobs, and have been really happy with most of the outcomes.
But I feel you loose the intimacy of a relationship. One of the joys of being in business, is getting to know your suppliers, and them getting to know you.  The feeling ...  expand
Shai Luft added an answer to this question
Shai Luft

Shai Luft at Bench Media Pty Ltd

Hi, As everyone mentioned there is a minimum if you go direct with Spotify and it is a great option. If you do feel you need some help and want to also explore other audio options such as Nova, SCA or ARN which have lots of digital content, podcasts etc as well as Spotify or look at a more holistic Audio advertising strategy, I'd be happy to help.

Renee Rollestone added an answer to this question
Renee Rollestone

Renee Rollestone, Librarian at Hume Libraries

Hi thanks for your question!
The answer is yes, a Google Buisiness page is a very good idea for any buiness that has some amount of foot traffic. 
If you are an online only business with no interaction with customers than a Google Business Listing isnt the option for you.
It gives your ...  expand
Aishah Mustapha added an answer to this question
Top voted answer
Aishah Mustapha

Aishah Mustapha, Content Marketer at SavvySME

Top 10%
There are a few time-tested principles that can persuade people to click on your ads.
First, you must know your audience so that your ad feels like it is speaking to them. They should be able to see themselves in your ad. This is by addressing their pain points or aligning it with their ...  expand
David Krauter added an answer to this question
David Krauter

David Krauter at Websites That Sell

Make sure the agency focuses on your 10% ready to buy prospects first - getting you "Immediate Money Fast".

Comes down to understanding the market, your budget limitations and the right approach to make them work ;-)

There's video training that explains this process in detail here: htps://

Hope that helps.

Hatty Bell added an answer to this question
Hatty Bell

Hatty Bell, Executive Assistant at Country Road Group

Top 10%

Is this related to the cost of advertising on digital channels @Pankaj Nain ?

Natwar Maheshwari added an answer to this question
Natwar Maheshwari

Natwar Maheshwari

I have tried this over weenend workshops and it has works just fine with google adwords. I have never tried it with Facebook or LinkedIn Ads, reason being they are costly. We usually gathered email addresses and then had a "Buy now" or "Pay now" button, amount of people clicking this button gives you some clarity. Also gathering phone numbers and taking permission to call them has worked pretty nicely for us. We did all this as we did not want to put money for LinkedIn ads :-) We also tweeted big wigs and ask them to retweet out landing pages, this has also producted really nice results..

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