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How much do search and banner ads cost?

What is the average cost for running banner and search ads in Australia?

Top voted answer
Justin Gil

Justin Gil, Social Media Manager at The Foodie Basket

In our experience, small to midsize businesses tend to budget $9000 to $10,000 a month for Google Ads. This only considers the cost of both search and display ads for Google and doesn’t account for additional fees.


The Cost of Search Ads


  The average CPC across all industries on Google’s Search Network is between $1 to $2. However, this isn’t always the price you should expect to pay when striving to reach the top of searches.


In ultra-competitive industries, you should expect to pay way more! According to WordStream, industry matters! These are the average CPC on the Google Search Network per industry.



Average CPC (Search Network)







Consumer Services


Dating and Personals






Employment Services


Finance and Insurance


Health and Medical


Home Goods


Industrial Services




Real Estate




Travel and Hospitality



These prices can be slightly offset by adhering to Google Ads’ best practices like:

  • Being specific when targeting

  • Aiming for a high-quality score

  • Using negative keywords

  • Focusing on Relevancy 

  • Optimizing journeys through landing page


The Cost of Banner Ads


Unlike search ads, you have a more comprehensive range of options when choosing to place banner ads.


There’s the ultra-popular Google Display Network. The Google Display Network comprises over two million websites and allows you to place banners and other display ads on relevant websites.


The cost of these banners varies by industry, budget, and who you’re targeting. These are the average CPC for the Display Network by industry.



Average CPC (Display Network)







Consumer Services


Dating and Personals






Employment Services


Finance and Insurance


Health and Medical


Home Goods


Industrial Services




Real Estate




Travel and Hospitality


The cost can also change if you’re working with a digital marketing agency, programmatic advertising platform, or a website directly.


When working with a programmatic advertising platform or directly with a website, media kits are usually provided, which should inform advertisers of the costs of banner ads which are generally dependent on the number of page views, the banner size, and individual rates.


Banner ads for a broadly targeted audience could range around $1 or less per thousand impressions or $50 to $100 CPM for more target campaigns.




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