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How much does an app development package cost?

What is the price range for a full-service mobile app design and development package?

Top voted answer
Ossiana Tepfenhart

Ossiana Tepfenhart, House Writer at Empire State Crew

App development is one of the most difficult industries to gauge when it comes to prices. Some seemingly simple apps can be way more pricey than you'd expect. So, when you're cruising for apps dev prices, I strongly suggest that you ask questions and figure out exactly what you would get. 

Here's a basic run-through of what you should expect from most firms:

Let's say that you're trying to eke out a teeny little app that is made for your store. 

  • If you are looking for a bare minimum app that has no bells and whistles, expect to pay between $5,000 to $10,000 for a typical firm. 
  • This will usually involve basic designs and templates. Almost no customization.

Believe it or not, most apps are way more expensive than the bare minimum. This is why surveys from MLSDev revealed the median price of a full-service mobile app design and development project is around $171,000. I'll explain this further.

  • If you want to get a typical enterprise app, then you may expect to pay an average of $140,000. This is enough for a basic shopping app or an app that's dedicated for your industry professionals. 
  • The more features you want to have, the higher the price tag. Intricate apps can cost between $260,000 to $400,000.
  • Most app development packages are priced in a way that parses out to $150 per hour. Most apps in this rank will take between 3 to 9 months of work to make. 

These are apps that are extremely complex and intricate, often requiring their own SaaS platform to back them. They can easily cost $500,000 to upwards of $1 million. 



App Development

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